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Would You Give Up Your Seat?

Soul Kitchen
Numpty 28723
Copper Dragon
Natasha Whittam
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61Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:13


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

".. and if you could just cross off Carlton and Phil from your prayer list" 

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

62Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:34



Here's another:

Listen out for Mike Tugboat making an appearance.

63Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:34


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


64Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:38


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

1874 your so lucky you can sit smoking your Drugs,you little Smack head behind your keyboard paid for by people  who have to go to work so you can spend your benefits on whatever drug you take.
 A racist in my eyes is someone who doesn't like someone because the colour of their Skin.Well it was when I was a kid.
When you realise 99% of Moslems don't want to integrate you'll wake up and realise that if they wanted to integrate they wouldn't wear the Burkha.
As an example I'm in Asda and my trolley bumps in to an Asian women's wearing a Burkha "I'd normally say sorry to anyone else but I can't communicate to say sorry if it was my fault.
Before you smoke your drugs to reply I do say sorry if I accidentally bang my trolley by mistake in to someone else's regardless of if they are Asian or not.
My point is I do not think Asians want to integrate.You smoke your mind numbing substances as you are just a little know all coward.
Come call me scum to my face GG 95 ESU.If your lungs are healthy enough for you to climb the stairs.
Bet my daughter would kick your Arse,she does MMA and has been doing it since she was a little girl.
An out of Condition dope smoker she's 5 ft 9 and 9 stone I reckon she'd twist you up in seconds a druggie puffing like an old lady cos his lungs are fucked.Shes 14 I reckon she'd take you.

A druggie LOL saying that you've probably got hepatitis from sharing needles.No I wouldn't risk her catching something off you.

65Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:42



This can't be a "real" account, can it?

(As I've maintained from day one.)

A joke's a joke but this one's gone too far now.

Back in the box please.

66Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:44


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

So your breaking the truce I gather

67Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:49


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Jonathan Bell is now my all time favourite preacher. :rofl:

Last edited by boltonbonce on Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:57; edited 1 time in total

68Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:51



Ok, I'll play along and pretend that what we see on here is a genuine representation of "White84's" world view and he is a real person.

You're a borderline illiterate, racist thug, mate.

And I'm sensing you're also a bit of a bully who very quickly runs out of rational options when confronted and quickly resorts to violence to get your point across - hence why you keep offering people out on here and posting where you sit at the Macron.

If you are a genuine poster, lose the attitude, drop the racism and wind your neck in.

If you're Whittam or another of the regulars having a laugh, you've pitched this one wrong - bin it and create a new one that's not a racist prick.

69Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:52


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

White84 is genuine Breadders...

70Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:57



Genuinely mental?

71Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Yes, I've seen his Mrs FB page with the pics of her giving you the finger and all that! Very Happy

72Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 12:59


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:Yes, I've seen his Mrs FB page with the pics of her giving you the finger and all that! Very Happy

73Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 13:05


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

So I gather I was mistaken as no reply was forthcoming.

74Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 13:06



If I was on holiday and I said to Mrs B "Do us a favour, love. There's this bloke I've never met but who I'm having a bit of a spat with on a football forum and I'd like you to stand there while I take your picture as you flick him the V's so I can post it on Facebook. Cheers", she'd just shake her head and walk off, no doubt calling me a sad bastard who needed to "grow the fuck up" as she went.

The saddest thing is, he's (allegedly) got kids of his own.

Sad, sad man.......

75Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 13:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:White84 is genuine Breadders...

a genuine dyed in the wool racist, illiterate and clueless idiot.

Please mods do us all a favour and get rid of this clown before other people get fed up reading his shit and leave.

And before you pipe up ebout GG ESU, not interested in your idle threats big man.

76Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 13:30


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:
karlypants wrote:White84 is genuine Breadders...

a genuine dyed in the wool racist, illiterate and clueless idiot.

Please mods do us all a favour and get rid of this clown before other people get fed up reading his shit and leave.

And before you pipe up ebout GG ESU, not interested in your idle threats big man.

If it was up to you there'd be no fucker left on here

77Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 13:34


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

I may be mental and far from perfect.I may come across as mental( maybe I am) but some junkie giving it to me calling me scum.
I work hard have brought my Children up to be non Materialistic and charitable.
Every year we all visit the Cenotaph.They were told about all the young men and some equally brave women who operated as spies behind enemy lines,so we can live free.
My kids are lucky but they know it and I have tried to instill the understanding of fairness and charity.
I'm not going to change my views on Islam.Dont like it block me?

Islam is the 21st Century version of Facism.Its dangerous and from little acorns,as they say.
Breadman you tend to your loafs,make sure your orders go out on time.

You wind your neck in and so being such a big soft girl.Are you a metro sexual not homosexual,metro sexual do you groom yourself.Are you happy as you seem to have been simmering recently.Is everything ok at home.Maybe you are unhappy.Lets talk is it Christmas getting you down.
What is it you can tell me,it's good to talk santa

78Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 13:41

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

GG 95 ESU. Right, got the seat number. But how will I know it's you, I don't want to twat some innocent Bolton fan. Will you be in full KKK uniform?

79Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 13:44


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

believe it or not White84 i had no problem with you until recently, when you first joined you were quite sensible and i was interested in reading about your boxing career, but this obsession with Islam is ridiculous. The extremists are a very small minority of what is a very peaceful religion.
 Like any religion it can be amended to fit someone elses agenda as the likes of the Taliban, Al Queda and IS have done but there are many millions of muslims (including friends of mine) who are appalled by extremism as well and want no part of it.

Oh and Boggers - why are you constantly trying to wind me up? we have no problems so why get involved? I've never asked for anyone to be banned before not even you!

80Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 4 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 13:52

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I don't particularly like generalising because it tars everyone with the same brush. I worked for a number of years with three Asian colleagues and they were all decent chaps. One of them used to bring samosas into work that his mother had made and they were delicious. None of them were remotely interested in all the fundamentalist rhetoric and they had no time for Rabble Rousers.
There is good and bad in any race, creed and colour so it's important not to stereotype people just because of what we see and hear on the news.

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