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How is the Tory Government Doing?

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841How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 14 2023, 13:01


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Hey Sluffy, don't worry about "trying not to offend Fin's sensibilities". No need. I'm a big boy - grew up in Astley Bridge and lived in downtown Brooklyn for 15 years - so no point trying to pull the "different class backgrounds" bullshit with me either.

Regardless of how you've attempted to twist things around again, I was simply advocating for people to be civil to each other. If that makes me a "snowflake" then so be it.

Anyhow, I'll duck out again and just stick to the predictions leagues. As you clearly thrive on conflict, I prefer to avoid being your next victim or suffering your histrionics.

Oh, and by the way, you admitting to counting the number of times Lusty misspelled Harry Maguire's name on WW seems pretty obsessive to me.

Have a nice day!

842How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 14 2023, 14:04



finlaymcdanger wrote:Hey Sluffy, don't worry about "trying not to offend Fin's sensibilities". No need. I'm a big boy - grew up in Astley Bridge and lived in downtown Brooklyn for 15 years - so no point trying to pull the "different class backgrounds" bullshit with me either.

Regardless of how you've attempted to twist things around again, I was simply advocating for people to be civil to each other. If that makes me a "snowflake" then so be it.

Anyhow, I'll duck out again and just stick to the predictions leagues. As you clearly thrive on conflict, I prefer to avoid being your next victim or suffering your histrionics.

Oh, and by the way, you admitting to counting the number of times Lusty misspelled Harry Maguire's name on WW seems pretty obsessive to me.

Have a nice day!


For someone who flies into a hissy fit and storms off immediately on reading a quite innocent sentence from some random bloke off the internet, clearly shows you are highly sensitive...

finlaymcdanger wrote:You're typically in a war of words with someone so it's difficult not to read "Sorry if you don't like the way the sites been run for the last twelve years" as dramatic and confrontational. When I first read it I just clicked away from the site.

...and when you eventually calmed down, returned and went on to read the very next line of what I wrote you realised that you'd jumped clearly to completely wrong assumption about me and what I was saying - because you had already prejudged me and you always have...

Sluffy wrote:Sorry if you don't like the way the sites been run for the last twelve years.

Maybe you'd like to become a mod and bring some fresh ideas about how to change things - serious offer.

So yes, fwiw I reckon you really do have 'sensibilities' even if you originated  from the council estate massive off Astley Bridge and rubbed shoulders with the Italian Mafia in Brooklyn (or whoever the bad boys are around there).

And fwiw, you don't know anything of my history, so what makes you prejudge me (once again) to think that I was playing the 'class wars' card with you???

finlaymcdanger no point trying to pull the "different class backgrounds" bullshit with me either.

I mentioned several other possibilities as well...

Sluffy wrote:I don't know if it's a generational thing, or we come from different class backgrounds, or inhabit different social groupings or whatever it is but you've never seemed to have ever been in tune with me, and no doubt I'm not in tune with you either.

I'm pretty basic and honest, I don't see much point being otherwise.  Maybe I'm to blunt and straight forward for your taste perhaps, I don't know, but you seem to see me as someone that I'm not.

...again your 'sensibilities' and 'prejudgements' of me came immediately to the fore and as I said at the time "you seem to see me (judge me) as someone that I'm not".

As for being obsessed on Wanderlust, well you believe what you want, others believe I am too.

I'm so obsessed that I gave just ONE example of something that caught my eye on ww of Wanderlust being Wanderlust out of what must be thousands of posts he probably has made in the year or more from when he left here.

I thought it was funny - it was!

If that's your definition of being obsessed by him - then I must be...

Rolling Eyes

And have a nice day yourself.

843How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 14 2023, 14:26


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Sluffy wrote:

Jesus Christ, are you really that thick???

I've talked about the refugee camp and Sangatte, the payment by the government to the French to stop the boats coming, the Royal Navy pushing the boats back, the Rwanda attempt, the prison boat attempt, ALL OF THEM RELATE SOLELY TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION - didn't you even realise this???

I'm clearly talking about ILLEGAL immigration and quite frankly if you do know anything about the subject you should have obviously known that...

There's clearly no point attempting to try and explain anything to you as you simply refuse to see it - Truss caused a financial catastrophe to the economy with her extreme right wing Libertarian policy - and you still believe that wasn't  anything other than just good old traditional Toryism in action???

And God help us all if you would have the younger generation listing to you telling them not to do anything about global warming because no other country seems bothered much about it!

You see here again Sluffy you either can’t read, can’t or won’t understand or are just generally thick. The Bank of England caused the financial catastrophe every bit as much as Truss and as I’ve said over and over again it was pure madness for her to attempt to do all the things she did at once without explaining where the money was coming from. She was attempting to implement policies essential to getting this country out of the shite previous governments over the last 20 years had put us in.

I confirmed I was talking about ILLEGAL immigration unlike yourself. Perhaps I could recommend a course on communication to you so that people fully understand your points. As for Global warming, please show me one post in which I contended that. I question the fact it’s mainly human caused but accept that we must tackle it internationally and stop the virtue signalling nonsense which is causing so much damage to both personal and industrial energy costs. Anyway there’s no point discussing any of these with you and your insufferably arrogant and insulting attitude.

844How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 14 2023, 14:54



Whitesince63 wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

Jesus Christ, are you really that thick???

I've talked about the refugee camp and Sangatte, the payment by the government to the French to stop the boats coming, the Royal Navy pushing the boats back, the Rwanda attempt, the prison boat attempt, ALL OF THEM RELATE SOLELY TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION - didn't you even realise this???

I'm clearly talking about ILLEGAL immigration and quite frankly if you do know anything about the subject you should have obviously known that...

There's clearly no point attempting to try and explain anything to you as you simply refuse to see it - Truss caused a financial catastrophe to the economy with her extreme right wing Libertarian policy - and you still believe that wasn't  anything other than just good old traditional Toryism in action???

And God help us all if you would have the younger generation listing to you telling them not to do anything about global warming because no other country seems bothered much about it!

You see here again Sluffy you either can’t read, can’t or won’t understand or are just generally thick. The Bank of England caused the financial catastrophe every bit as much as Truss and as I’ve said over and over again it was pure madness for her to attempt to do all the things she did at once without explaining where the money was coming from. She was attempting to implement policies essential to getting this country out of the shite previous governments over the last 20 years had put us in.

I confirmed I was talking about ILLEGAL immigration unlike yourself. Perhaps I could recommend a course on communication to you so that people fully understand your points. As for Global warming, please show me one post in which I contended that. I question the fact it’s mainly human caused but accept that we must tackle it internationally and stop the virtue signalling nonsense which is causing so much damage to both personal and industrial energy costs. Anyway there’s no point discussing any of these with you and your insufferably arrogant and insulting attitude.

There's no point reasoning with you.

The Bank of England was forced to step in to stop the economy collapsing - no one would buy government bonds, which meant the country would default on our debt payments to the world.

Truss financial policy was/is an extreme right wing Libertarian doctrine - the rest of the worlds banks rejected it.  In their view it simply doesn't work.  Truss could have introduced it as slowly as she could have - the world banks would still have rejected it because in their views it simply doesn't work.

I've talked exclusively about ILLEGAL immigration - they government aren't stopping LEGAL immigrants arriving from Sangatte, they aren't paying the French government to stop LEGAL immigrants to set off from their in rubber boats, the Royal Navy isn't going to push back the boats of LEGAL immigrants, the government are not trying to fly LEGAL immigrants to Rwanda or house then in prison ships!!!

There is only YOU who thinks I have been taking about LEGAL immigrants ffs!!!

And you are most certainly in denial of all the scientific evidence that the current global warming is directly man made through burning fossil fuels.

I may well be "insufferably arrogant" with an "insulting attitude", but I DO KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT on these issues - unlike you.

Have a nice day, as well.

845How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 14 2023, 21:24


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy, I really think you are a nutter mate! Shocked

846How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 14 2023, 21:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:Sluffy, I really think you are a nutter mate! Shocked
Oh my God! He's formed a new forum!

How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Eh-group-photo

847How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 14 2023, 22:18



karlypants wrote:Sluffy, I really think you are a nutter mate! Shocked

Think what you like.

Someone didn't like that I used 'EH???'

Someone blatantly doesn't understand the government policy he's defending!

And you pretend to give blowjobs behind the bins at Barging Booze...

...and I'M the nutter?

Well if I am, then I'm far from being the only one on here...


848How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 14 2023, 23:37


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

Think what you like.

Someone didn't like that I used 'EH???'

Someone blatantly doesn't understand the government policy he's defending!

And you pretend to give blowjobs behind the bins at Barging Booze...

...and I'M the nutter?

Well if I am, then I'm far from being the only one on here...

KP will need to explain this. Say it ain't so, Joe. Pretend blowjobs indeed.

849How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Oct 15 2023, 10:11


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Sluffy wrote:

There's no point reasoning with you.

The Bank of England was forced to step in to stop the economy collapsing - no one would buy government bonds, which meant the country would default on our debt payments to the world.

Truss financial policy was/is an extreme right wing Libertarian doctrine - the rest of the worlds banks rejected it.  In their view it simply doesn't work.  Truss could have introduced it as slowly as she could have - the world banks would still have rejected it because in their views it simply doesn't work.

I've talked exclusively about ILLEGAL immigration - they government aren't stopping LEGAL immigrants arriving from Sangatte, they aren't paying the French government to stop LEGAL immigrants to set off from there in rubber boats, the Royal Navy isn't going to push back the boats of LEGAL immigrants, the government are not trying to fly LEGAL immigrants to Rwanda or house then in prison ships!!!

There is only YOU who thinks I have been taking about LEGAL immigrants ffs!!!

And you are most certainly in denial of all the scientific evidence that the current global warming is directly man made through burning fossil fuels.

I may well be "insufferably arrogant" with an "insulting attitude", but I DO KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT on these issues - unlike you.

Have a nice day, as well.
Ok Sluffy, you’re the oracle on everything so let’s just leave it there. 🤗

850How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Oct 15 2023, 13:01



Whitesince63 wrote:Ok Sluffy, you’re the oracle on everything so let’s just leave it there. 🤗

Contrary to how you want to sarcastically brand me as an 'oracle' as a form of insult and ridicule, all I actually do unlike you (and millions of others) is to bother myself to try and research and not have preconceived views and biases (political in your case) on these matters.

The WORLD's BANKS rejected Truss's economic policies as crazy - the Bank of England could not force them to buy government bonds - it is a supply and demand issue - the government needed to supply the bonds to borrow money to pay the country's bills but no one wanted them!  It really was as simple as that!

Don't you understand that it was nothing more than political 'spin' to blame the Bank of England (along with the other lie of Truss bringing in the changes 'too quickly') to place the blame somewhere else and try and spare Truss and the Tory Party blushes?

It was simply world economics at work - 'it's simply business, nothing personal' taking place - the numbers simply didn't add up and no one wanted any part of putting their money into it - and it was obvious that her policy was crazy as I told you even before she beat Rishi to become PM.

It was simply ideology over reality - she surrounded herself by people with the same ideology, appointed everyone who thought like her to the Cabinet and sacked or suppressed any one or body who said differently (so there were no dissenting voices, checks or balances - just complete group think) and thus the financial catastrophe that followed.

Think of it as a bit like the Emperors New clothes tale.

You simply don't want to listen to anything that conflicts with your political views, your political views are directly influenced by the policies you believe in, the policies you believe in have been formulated by more and more extreme activist bodies with a Libertarian agenda.

That's how it works.

851How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Oct 16 2023, 08:10


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

deleted now as i can't be arsed arguing with Sluffy over this again  Rolling Eyes

Last edited by Norpig on Mon Oct 16 2023, 10:04; edited 1 time in total

852How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Oct 16 2023, 10:01


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Sluffy wrote:

Contrary to how you want to sarcastically brand me as an 'oracle' as a form of insult and ridicule, all I actually do unlike you (and millions of others) is to bother myself to try and research and not have preconceived views and biases (political in your case) on these matters.

The WORLD's BANKS rejected Truss's economic policies as crazy - the Bank of England could not force them to buy government bonds - it is a supply and demand issue - the government needed to supply the bonds to borrow money to pay the country's bills but no one wanted them!  It really was as simple as that!

Don't you understand that it was nothing more than political 'spin' to blame the Bank of England (along with the other lie of Truss bringing in the changes 'too quickly') to place the blame somewhere else and try and spare Truss and the Tory Party blushes?

It was simply world economics at work - 'it's simply business, nothing personal' taking place - the numbers simply didn't add up and no one wanted any part of putting their money into it - and it was obvious that her policy was crazy as I told you even before she beat Rishi to become PM.

It was simply ideology over reality - she surrounded herself by people with the same ideology, appointed everyone who thought like her to the Cabinet and sacked or suppressed any one or body who said differently (so there were no dissenting voices, checks or balances - just complete group think) and thus the financial catastrophe that followed.

Think of it as a bit like the Emperors New clothes tale.

You simply don't want to listen to anything that conflicts with your political views, your political views are directly influenced by the policies you believe in, the policies you believe in have been formulated by more and more extreme activist bodies with a Libertarian agenda.

That's how it works.
Yawn 🥱🫣

853How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Oct 16 2023, 11:41



Whitesince63 wrote:
Yawn 🥱🫣

There are none so blind as those that will not see, or deaf as those that will not hear...

854How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Oct 16 2023, 17:05


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Sluffy wrote:

There are none so blind as those that will not see, or deaf as those that will not hear...
Yeeeah, at last Sluffy you’ve summed yourself up. See, I knew you had it in you if you just tried. 🤗

855How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Oct 16 2023, 23:32



Whitesince63 wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

There are none so blind as those that will not see, or deaf as those that will not hear...
Yeeeah, at last Sluffy you’ve summed yourself up. See, I knew you had it in you if you just tried. 🤗

To be fair to you I don't put you in the same category of the obsessives on here, I don't see any hatred or anger in you and you seem to be old school like myself in that you can give it and take it without being bitter and twisted and set out to fuck me (because they perceive that I'd challenged them in someway or other and I deserved putting in my place for doing so - or however the nutjobs think?),

I simply don't believe you really understand what a Machiavellian game politics really is, how folks like us are cleverly manipulated by many means, simply to put our 'cross' in the box that they want us to.

I've tried to help the scales fall from your eyes but you aren't having it - well that's your choice entirely.

It doesn't matter a jot really, even if you suddenly did understand how it all works, your vote wouldn't change a thing - the other lot play the same games as well - that's why I don't vote - in a sense, it is meaningless as unless you are in a marginal seat your vote won't usually matter as you are either adding to a very large majority or a very small minority for the candidate you vote for.

I'm pleased you didn't join in and give me a kicking like several did because I called you thick, it wasn't meant at all nastily (like the snowflakes believed) and you were being more than a bit silly not understanding about the policies we were talking about were those specifically in relation to 'illegal' immigrants - frankly you should have known that.

Frankly too it is getting a bit cancel culture-ish on here these days, Karly is telling me I'm nuts, Wanderlust is telling me I'm mentally ill (not for the first time I may add) Norpig told me to 'fuck off from here' but phrased it slightly gentler than that - then deleted the post), Fin refuses to post if I'm posting on here and Bob's due back in the next day or so, no doubt returning with his axe to grind with me.

Maybe it is time to give you all a break from me, so I'll probably not be about as much for the next month or two.

I'm sure the place will be haven of happiness whilst I'm not around calling people thick, nutjobs, obsessives and typing EH??? all the time!

Christ I've just realised how hurtful I must have been to call people thick, obsessive, nutjobs and posting EH??? - what a real bastard I must have been!!!

No wonder everybody is so angry with me, I must have made you all cry.


Have a nice day all.

(Oh and welcome back Bob, if you do - no hard feelings from me fwiw).

856How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Oct 17 2023, 07:02


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bob's back! Hello Bob.

857How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Oct 17 2023, 08:40


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy goes and Bob's back

How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 200.gif?cid=a87a70e6y93f5a4e2qvsi5zdeuobsxqwj5ped5ds721h5kjh&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200

858How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Oct 17 2023, 11:55


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Sluffy wrote:

To be fair to you I don't put you in the same category of the obsessives on here, I don't see any hatred or anger in you and you seem to be old school like myself in that you can give it and take it without being bitter and twisted and set out to fuck me (because they perceive that I'd challenged them in someway or other and I deserved putting in my place for doing so - or however the nutjobs think?),

I simply don't believe you really understand what a Machiavellian game politics really is, how folks like us are cleverly manipulated by many means, simply to put our 'cross' in the box that they want us to.

I've tried to help the scales fall from your eyes but you aren't having it - well that's your choice entirely.

It doesn't matter a jot really, even if you suddenly did understand how it all works, your vote wouldn't change a thing - the other lot play the same games as well - that's why I don't vote - in a sense, it is meaningless as unless you are in a marginal seat your vote won't usually matter as you are either adding to a very large majority or a very small minority for the candidate you vote for.

I'm pleased you didn't join in and give me a kicking like several did because I called you thick, it wasn't meant at all nastily (like the snowflakes believed) and you were being more than a bit silly not understanding about the policies we were talking about were those specifically in relation to 'illegal' immigrants - frankly you should have known that.

Frankly too it is getting a bit cancel culture-ish on here these days, Karly is telling me I'm nuts, Wanderlust is telling me I'm mentally ill (not for the first time I may add) Norpig told me to 'fuck off from here' but phrased it slightly gentler than that - then deleted the post), Fin refuses to post if I'm posting on here and Bob's due back in the next day or so, no doubt returning with his axe to grind with me.

Maybe it is time to give you all a break from me, so I'll probably not be about as much for the next month or two.

I'm sure the place will be haven of happiness whilst I'm not around calling people thick, nutjobs, obsessives and typing EH??? all the time!

Christ I've just realised how hurtful I must have been to call people thick, obsessive, nutjobs and posting EH??? - what a real bastard I must have been!!!

No wonder everybody is so angry with me, I must have made you all cry.


Have a nice day all.

(Oh and welcome back Bob, if you do - no hard feelings from me fwiw).
You see this is my problem with you Sluffy, whilst I respect all of your views, even where I disagree with them and the detailed arguments you make for them, you just can’t accept anybody else’s that might be different to yours. I don’t have scales on my eyes and I’ve posted on here multiple times about the brainwashing that goes on to encourage people to vote one way or the other. You might call them Machiavellian or other attempts but whatever we decide to call them it’s still manipulation of some kind.

In fact every issue we discuss on here are Lenticular in structure in that they have many faces and it just depends which angle you’re viewing them from. In fact I actually believe that we agree on more things than we disagree on. I fully agree on Global Warming but not on net zero because I see it from a different perspective. It doesn’t mean I’m thick, obstinate or have scales on my eyes it just means that I see the situation from a different angle. Now you can consider that whatever you want but you’re problem, if I may say so, is that you consider that your view is always the right one because you’ve researched it and X number of scientists can’t be wrong when the fact is they very well can and in fact regularly are. Even they through their research are viewing it from one angle of a lenticular structure.

I don’t want you to go away Sluffy, this is a board for everyone’s views and I think by now everybody here knows how you are so don’t take that the wrong way. If we all agreed on everything it would make for a dull board wouldn’t it? I see no need for insults or criticism just because someone has a different view and at least you do to your credit always attempt to provide evidence of your views, as in fairness does Lusty as well as others. I’m not some Luddite who closes his eyes and mind to other views but like many I do balk at the attempts by others to force views on me which I disagree with. Stay and fight your corner because as you say you’re quite like me in many ways and I’ll always do that. 🤗

859How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Oct 17 2023, 16:42


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I want Sluffy to stick around. The Bash Street teacher needs to be in situ at all times. We treat him badly at times, but we'd miss him if he was gone. Very Happy

How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Bash_w10

860How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Oct 17 2023, 19:14


David Ngog
David Ngog

Just popped in to say I met Johnny in real life for the first time today & we had a good old laugh about all the time we wasted years ago on this site arguing with attention-seeking dickheads...and I see that absolutely nothing has changed.

Plus ca change, etc... How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 1f604  How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 1f604  How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 43 1f604

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