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141BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Thu Nov 24 2022, 01:10


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Breadman wrote:Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

This is hilarious.

I've not been near this site for about 7 or 8 years but I nipped in to see how it's going.

And, feck's the same mix of real people & fake accounts having the same rows about the same pointless stuff it was all those years ago.

Hope Boncey, Gotham & Mr Pig are all ok.

Bonce, you've got my email address so feel free to get in touch again & pass it onto the other two if they're interested.

And Sluffy...ffs, chill out, man... BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 1f602  BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 1f602  BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 1f602

Ha! Your timing is impeccable, Breaders.
Great to see you’re alive and kicking and I’ll send you an email when Bonce figures out how to share your address. Or shoot me a mail at

Happy Thanksgiving from Gotham (although I did move back to London for 3 years and then change my mind again while you were away).

142BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Thu Nov 24 2022, 01:12


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Careful Fin, Breaders might be up to no good. Who knows what's been done to him during his time away. Shocked

143BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Thu Nov 24 2022, 01:20


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 D19ed010
boltonbonce wrote:Careful Fin, Breaders might be up to no good. Who knows what's been done to him during his time away. Shocked

I like to think of him as having just buried an absolute prick under his pool.

144BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Mon Nov 28 2022, 09:06


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

So still no respite for Lusty yet then? I have conversed with him on WW and he seems pretty content over there but he is aware of certain people on here who’ve posted him personal messages, which of course he can’t receive so if anybody does want to converse with him it’s best done on WW. Still think this site is poorer for his not being here, despite the rambling rubbish he often posted. At least he did post to get a response going which I’m personally missing. Anyway, Christmas is coming so maybe the season of goodwill to all men will work on Sluffy?? 🥳🎄

145BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Mon Nov 28 2022, 19:57


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Glad to see Breaders back on here, that's cheered me up no end  Very Happy

Can't believe its been 7 years though!

146BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Dec 09 2022, 09:13


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

How boring is this site now? Come on Sluffy, enough of this stubbornness, get Lusty reinstated, the situation has gone on long enough now. I’d sooner read his “fake news” than nothing to read, at least it forced others to respond which nobody, including you, is doing at the moment. Ruining a perfectly good site to make your own personal point isn’t fair on other posters. Virtually everybody else has concurred about allowing him back yet you completely ignore them. Come on mate, let’s let bygones be bygones and get him back on board.

147BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Dec 09 2022, 09:30

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Here's a thought WS63: start a thread yourself.

148BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Dec 09 2022, 09:44


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:Here's a thought WS63: start a thread yourself.
Things will liven up when I get my Christmas slippers. I can almost smell the anticipation.
Mind you, it might be the Germoloids cream. (I use it for my crows feet). Tip for you there Nat.

149BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Dec 09 2022, 09:49

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:Things will liven up when I get my Christmas slippers. I can almost smell the anticipation.
Mind you, it might be the Germoloids cream. (I use it for my crows feet). Tip for you there Nat.

On second thoughts, let the site die.

150BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Thu Dec 22 2022, 15:41


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Just thought I’d sign off by wishing everybody on here a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2023. This will be my last Nuts post and I’d like to thank all the contributors for their discussions and opinions over the years but especially Sluffy for in my view completely ruining the site with his selfish and inconsiderate attitudes over banning other posters. 🎄🥳

151BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Thu Dec 22 2022, 16:43


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:Just thought I’d sign off by wishing everybody on here a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2023. This will be my last Nuts post and I’d like to thank all the contributors for their discussions and opinions over the years but especially Sluffy for in my view completely ruining the site with his selfish and inconsiderate attitudes over banning other posters. 🎄🥳
Surely not 63. Everyone's busy at Christmas, and I'm sure we'll pick up in the new year. Nuts is like the turd that just won't flush. When the torrent stops, it's still there staring at you.
Nat might say that describes me, but hey ho.
I almost think Sluffy hopes we'll all fade away and die, so let's prove him wrong. I'll be back refreshed in the new year, and I hope you will too. I don't often agree with you, but it's always good to see another side of any picture. It'd be a dull place if we all agreed.
You'd be a fool to miss out on my 2022 slipper/sock review, in which I'll be naming my top ten slipper/sock combinations of the year. Watch out for a few shocks.
So, merry Christmas, and a happy new year. You can't leave. I've tried.

BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 200.gif?cid=ecf05e47fkksf2c3hmfbinx5qp47o0y81mi705yiand6ughd&rid=200

152BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Thu Dec 22 2022, 17:55

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:Just thought I’d sign off by wishing everybody on here a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2023. This will be my last Nuts post and I’d like to thank all the contributors for their discussions and opinions over the years but especially Sluffy for in my view completely ruining the site with his selfish and inconsiderate attitudes over banning other posters. 🎄🥳

The current state of the site has nothing to do with banning posters.

I'm not sure how you not posting again helps anyone, sluffy gave up on this site a long time ago and couldn't care less whether you post or not.

I suggest you start your own forum.

153BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Thu Dec 22 2022, 18:18



Whitesince63 wrote:Just thought I’d sign off by wishing everybody on here a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2023. This will be my last Nuts post and I’d like to thank all the contributors for their discussions and opinions over the years but especially Sluffy for in my view completely ruining the site with his selfish and inconsiderate attitudes over banning other posters. 🎄🥳

FFS stop being so soft.

I have banned ONE person that being Wanderlust.

I banned him because people were sick to death of how him and I reacted to each other.

Because I banned him it meant that I too had to stop posting for a while, so I didn't ban him lightly or out of any personal gain or satisfaction.

I reasoned that Wanderlust would return again to his Hoppy510 account on Wanderers Ways as he clearly needs validation for his opinions he holds so dear and he obviously isn't getting them in his private life - hence why he posts the stuff he obsesses about so much on here about.

(Fwiw I found it hilariously funny that after denying multiple times that he wasn't the person behind the Hoppy510 account that one of the first things he did was to change the account name to 'Wanderlust' - a classic example of how he rather tells lies when found out rather than hold his hand up like the rest of us do!).

I also noted that the last time he was banned from here and set up his Hoppy510 account on ww that it took them about 4 or 5 weeks to suss him out, call out his rantings and then pretty much ignore him from then on, so much so that he virtually stopped  posting on there and contacted Norpig to see if I would lift his ban on here - which I eventually did.

I suspected that much the same would happen this time too.

I'm not the sort of person who takes social media seriously, nor carries a grudge either, so I'm indifferent to him returning or not if the current ban was lifted BUT what I didn't want was him to return to his behaviour on here as before which led directly to the continuation of the Wanderlust and Sluffy show that we've all had to endured for the last three years or more.

I wanted him to realise that those days have gone and that he HAD to want to change his ways if he decided to return, otherwise what point was there in returning at all?

I don't even want much from him other than to behave like the rest of us do, namely that if he gets something wrong, accept he has, and not try to wriggle out of it and go through all the lies and contortions he does to try to pretended he hadn't.

I don't believe that is unreasonable, do you?  Does anyone?

Also fwiw there are three others on here with Admin powers who could if they wished have lifted Wanderlust ban at anytime but none of them have.

I'd put my case to them as I have done to you here and Wanderlust remains banned, so what does that tell you?

I had intended to return at the start of the New Year and unban Wanderlust at the same time, with the proviso that if he intended to carry on the way he had, not accepting and acknowledging when he is wrong and move on from it, that his next ban would be the final one with no return - and that we move on without him anymore.  

I'll stick to that plan which will give Wanderlust some time to reflect on whether or not he would want to return and if so whether or not he wants to change his behaviour to fit in with the rest of us or not.

Then again 63 you could do what Natasha says and start your own forum as no matter how much you try you (and Wanderlust) will never be embraced on ww, as you aren't part of the 'group think' on there and never will be.

Anyway if you still intend to leave then thank you for all your contributions to making Nuts as good as it was and you will be missed.

Best of luck on ww too!

154BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Thu Dec 22 2022, 20:54


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

155BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Dec 23 2022, 15:42


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

156BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Dec 23 2022, 17:17


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Now I want trifle.

157BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat Dec 24 2022, 20:43


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Sluffy wrote:

I had intended to return at the start of the New Year and unban Wanderlust at the same time, with the proviso that if he intended to carry on the way he had, not accepting and acknowledging when he is wrong and move on from it, that his next ban would be the final one with no return - and that we move on without him anymore.  

Kneel before Sluffy!

158BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat Dec 24 2022, 21:54


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

finlaymcdanger wrote:

Kneel before Sluffy!
Season of goodwill, so perhaps be generous enough to welcome Wanderlust back.

 In any case, is it really a crime not to acknowledge that some folk think you are wrong about a particular issue? Surely just opinions...

Merry Christmas, everyone!

159BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat Dec 24 2022, 22:04



okocha wrote:
finlaymcdanger wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

I had intended to return at the start of the New Year and unban Wanderlust at the same time, with the proviso that if he intended to carry on the way he had, not accepting and acknowledging when he is wrong and move on from it, that his next ban would be the final one with no return - and that we move on without him anymore.  

Kneel before Sluffy!

Season of goodwill, so perhaps be generous enough to welcome Wanderlust back.

 In any case, is it really a crime not to acknowledge that some folk think you are wrong about a particular issue? Surely just opinions...

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Sluffy wrote:Also fwiw there are three others on here with Admin powers who could if they wished have lifted Wanderlust ban at anytime but none of them have.

I'd put my case to them as I have done to you here and Wanderlust remains banned, so what does that tell you?

160BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 8 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Dec 25 2022, 01:59


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

That they're beyond caring

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