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121BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat Nov 19 2022, 17:27


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cajunboy wrote:

It's too cold for dogging.

Everyone's todgers will be back in the barracks in this weather! Laughing

122BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Mon Nov 21 2022, 09:43


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

It sure is boring on this thread without Lustys posts. Come on Sluffy, give up the crusade. 🤨

123BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Mon Nov 21 2022, 11:57

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:It sure is boring on this thread without Lustys posts. Come on Sluffy, give up the crusade. 🤨

The site has been a much happier place in recent weeks.

124BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Tue Nov 22 2022, 09:47


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Natasha Whittam wrote:

The site has been a much happier place in recent weeks.
But much quieter and I miss both Lustys and Sluffys input. 😞

125BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Tue Nov 22 2022, 10:23

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:But much quieter and I miss both Lustys and Sluffys input. 😞

Sluffy will return, so relax.

As for being quiet - the answer is simple, start some threads yourself.

126BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 00:48


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Natasha Whittam wrote:

Sluffy will return, so relax.

As for being quiet - the answer is simple, start some threads yourself.

It’s pointless. All everyone really wants is a good Sluffy vs. Lusty squabble. Let’s be honest!

127BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 10:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm now starting to believe personal gripes have caused this.

This member is already banned
For the reason : To put an end to your incessant fake news and your hatred of all things Tory. You really do need to move on with your life.

It's gone past the point of simply moderating a member on the forum now and he does need to be reinstated as it has become personal.

128BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 11:50

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:I'm now starting to believe personal gripes have caused this.

This member is already banned
For the reason : To put an end to your incessant fake news and your hatred of all things Tory. You really do need to move on with your life.

It's gone past the point of simply moderating a member on the forum now and he does need to be reinstated as it has become personal.

If you want to go back to every thread going the same way, then have at it.

But I'll be off, the site has been much better since the twins were split up, and I'll start my own site called 'Bolton Buts'.

129BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 12:50


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

karlypants wrote:I'm now starting to believe personal gripes have caused this.

This member is already banned
For the reason : To put an end to your incessant fake news and your hatred of all things Tory. You really do need to move on with your life.

It's gone past the point of simply moderating a member on the forum now and he does need to be reinstated as it has become personal.

I’m intrigued. Where did you come across this?

Hard to know without understanding the context but surely something along the lines of “This account has been deactivated” would be better.

130BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 12:56



karlypants wrote:I'm now starting to believe personal gripes have caused this.

This member is already banned
For the reason : To put an end to your incessant fake news and your hatred of all things Tory. You really do need to move on with your life.

It's gone past the point of simply moderating a member on the forum now and he does need to be reinstated as it has become personal.

For what it is worth I haven't said anything differently in my reason for giving the ban that I hadn't said multiple times already on the forum.

He does post fake news.

He does hate all things Tory.

And I've suggested several times that he really needs to move on with his life and accept Brexit has happened and there is no going back and that not everything Tory is always bad.

If you want to reinstate Wanderlust then do it - but don't use as your excuse to do so as I banned him for personal reasons because I didn't.

I banned him because you wanted an end to the Wanderlust/Sluffy show and it was the only means to do so.

I could hardly keep on posting after banning him could I - I would clearly get all sorts of shit thrown at me, so banning Wanderlust also meant I had to leave also - at least to all this had blown over anyway.

I had in mind to return in the New Year and unbanning Wanderlust at the same time, my thinking being that by then we could all see how the site got on without the both of us and also that if Wanderlust did choose to return that he could not carry on in the way he had done previously as it leads to all the shit that no one wants to read.

Would he have changed his ways - I very much doubt it but at least he would have had an opportunity to do so.

He never would though without truly knowing that the site would ban him if he carried on in the same way he had before.

131BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 13:36


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy, I’m sure other posters on other sites post “fake news” it seems pretty de rigour now on social media but I don’t have a problem with it, it’s for me to sort the wheat from the chaff. I do agree with you on the personalisation between you pair and your reasons for banning him but if you don’t mind me saying I think you’re both as bad. I’m sure you won’t agree with that but let me just finish by saying that I don’t want to lose anyone from this site, I think we all have a right to post and if you disagree with someone or think they post fake news, just ignore them. I regularly disagreed with Lusty, probably as much as anybody on here but I respect his right to his views and will ignore when I think he’s gone off track. It’s your decision what you do but I just think the sites poorer without both of you.

132BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 14:42



63, I respect your views but the truth is that the majority of people on here were simply sick to death of the Wanderlust and Sluffy show and it needed to end.

Bringing him back (that's even if he chose to return) will only start the same things happening again and whilst you say you don't have a problem with it, many others have said they do - not least Karly.

Posting fake news is as you say a common occurrence these days but so too is someone posting that it is fake news and how it can be proved to be so.  

The problem on here is that Wanderlust simply won't admit to it being wrong and we start then to get all the shit of him trying to wriggle out of him accepting it being so.

This happens for a number of reasons, the first is that he doesn't want to be seen to be wrong about anything by anyone, the second is that he certainly doesn't want it to be me that points it out and the third is that all his 'fake' news is posted to support and underpin his whole raison d'etre for his ceaseless issues with Brexit and the Tory Party.

If he posts shit, then I'll simply post that it is shit.

If he then wants to make and issue of it, then I'll laugh at him.

That's the top and bottom of what this is all about.

People tell me to ignore his posts - my reply would be why should I ignore his posts when they somehow can't ignore mine - isn't that somehow hypocritical of them?

Let's be honest, most folk on here - and I include Wanderlust - have enough about them to know when most things have a ring of fakery about them.

Even if they fall for it, then nearly all of us would put our hand up to getting it wrong when someone else posts the factual truths of the matter. Wanderlust as we all know by now simply won't.

Ask yourself why Wanderlust post such obvious fake news - the answer is that he reads it on social media and wants it to be true because it fits in with his deep-seated prejudices and he re-posts it immediately on here with bothering to check the validity of the story in the first place.

He then can't accept that he was duped by believing what he had seen on social media and can't admit being seen to be wrong - especially if I'm the one who points it out.

Is all this normal behaviour on the internet - maybe it is but it certainly isn't on the few forums and Twitter accounts that I follow.

Fwiw I too miss Wanderlust, I miss laughing at his prejudices and hatred and his stupidity for voting FOR Brexit because he believed what Boris was saying at the time.

I laugh at his lies and ridiculous assertions of him being more knowledgeable about things I've worked my whole career in and at a senior level.

I certainly don't need to seek self-validation from folks on an internet site and that's why I can easily refrain from posting for a number of months as was my intention in this case.

Am I as bad as Wanderlust - I must be if you and others say so.

So maybe it isn't such a bad thing after all having a break from us both then, is it?

Other than that, have a nice day.

133BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 16:42


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

I don't agree very often with WS63's political views but he is perfectly entitled to express them, of course.....and so is Lusty.

 I feel there is some confusion in Sluffy's head about what constitutes opinion as opposed to fact and what should, and should not, be acceptable on a site such as this. 

Freedom of speech is key in a democracy. Tolerance is a virtue.

Nasty personal accusations and deliberate attempts to demean others are much less palatable.

If Sluffy and Lusty could cut out the abuse whilst still posting their views, I can't see that either should be banned.

134BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 20:35


David Ngog
David Ngog

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

This is hilarious.

I've not been near this site for about 7 or 8 years but I nipped in to see how it's going.

And, feck's the same mix of real people & fake accounts having the same rows about the same pointless stuff it was all those years ago.

Hope Boncey, Gotham & Mr Pig are all ok.

Bonce, you've got my email address so feel free to get in touch again & pass it onto the other two if they're interested.

And Sluffy...ffs, chill out, man... BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 1f602  BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 1f602  BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 1f602

135BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 21:08

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Did you ever get that boat?

136BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 21:11


David Ngog
David Ngog

Natasha Whittam wrote:Did you ever get that boat?

Bought a house in Spain in 2017 instead & then bought another earlier this year so we've got a spare that needs to go.

You interested?

137BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 21:14

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'd have been interested in a boat. Canal Boat Diaries is my favourite programme. I think I would suit the nomadic lifestyle.

138BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 21:14


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Breadman wrote:
Natasha Whittam wrote:Did you ever get that boat?

Bought a house in Spain in 2017 instead & then bought another earlier this year so we've got a spare that needs to go.

You interested?
Of course she is. She’s  been opening her legs on only fans ever since Covid arrived so she’s got loads of dosh to spend  Very Happy

139BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 21:15

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:Of course she is. She’s  been opening her legs on only fans ever since Covid arrived so she’s got loads of dosh to spend  Very Happy

One again you're confusing your sexual fantasies with reality. Seek help.

140BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Wed Nov 23 2022, 21:27


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Breadman wrote:Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

This is hilarious.

I've not been near this site for about 7 or 8 years but I nipped in to see how it's going.

And, feck's the same mix of real people & fake accounts having the same rows about the same pointless stuff it was all those years ago.

Hope Boncey, Gotham & Mr Pig are all ok.

Bonce, you've got my email address so feel free to get in touch again & pass it onto the other two if they're interested.

And Sluffy...ffs, chill out, man... BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 1f602  BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 1f602  BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 7 1f602
Well, shut my mouth, look who it is. I'd assumed you were in a Spanish jail, sweating like Eamonn Holmes in a pie shop.
Clearly not, unless you're simply on the run.
I'll gladly pass on your email address, although I have already used it to open three bank accounts, and a membership to Cupids Swingers Club.
If Bullwhip Betty gets in touch, just ignore her.

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