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101BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Thu Nov 17 2022, 14:11


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Natasha Whittam wrote:

Dear me, give it a rest.

Sluffy will be back in time.
He has one or two others filling in for him in the meanwhile

102BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Thu Nov 17 2022, 19:34


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

okocha wrote:
He has one or two others filling in for him in the meanwhile
Nobody’s filling in for them Oko. Can you imagine there not being a single comment about the atrocious Autumn Statement today if Lusty had been about? No, neither can I. Sluffy would have corrected him and you, Me and others would have commented too. They are both missed big time.

103BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Thu Nov 17 2022, 21:55

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSt417SxDV_cTZ1Qti07Wq1TaTUdUMnn2mGwQoTygy-mIMujvjXpgrm8mwdE3rNWovLUvg&usqp=CAU

104BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 14:07


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I usually like to come on here and contribute as much as i can but at the moment i'm off work with stress and feeling very low to be honest.

I will try and contribute more but we all need to stop the bickering and get back to just having debates and conversations without all the usual bollocks.

105BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 14:19


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:I usually like to come on here and contribute as much as i can but at the moment i'm off work with stress and feeling very low to be honest.
I didn’t realise this but hope you are ok mate.

Hopefully you will be back to your best soon. 

Just take it easy. Smile

106BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 14:26


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:
I didn’t realise this but hope you are ok mate.

Hopefully you will be back to your best soon. 

Just take it easy. Smile
Thanks KP, feeling low and guilty about being off work but i was at breaking point and on the verge of a meltdown. Mrs Pig insisted i stay off as it's affecting my health and my home life now.

107BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 14:39


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:
karlypants wrote:
I didn’t realise this but hope you are ok mate.

Hopefully you will be back to your best soon. 

Just take it easy. Smile
Thanks KP, feeling low and guilty about being off work but i was at breaking point and on the verge of a meltdown. Mrs Pig insisted i stay off as it's affecting my health and my home life now.

Mrs Pig is right.

You need to do something that is best for you and your family.

I felt guilty once I got all my faculties in order but realised I needed to take some time off work etc to recover and chill out a bit.

You should try getting out for a bit every day for a walk/ taking the kids to the park or other things with your family. The walking helps me.

You have nothing to feel guilty about with taking time off work.

I have realised that money isn't everything since my stroke and would rather spend time with my wife and son than being a slave to work.

There's a saying that no dead person ever said I wish I should have worked more!

108BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 14:43


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Good advice KP  :good:

109BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 15:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:
Thanks KP, feeling low and guilty about being off work but i was at breaking point and on the verge of a meltdown. Mrs Pig insisted i stay off as it's affecting my health and my home life now.
I'll send you a copy of my book when I've completed the last few chapters.
Provisionally titled 'How To Look At Weird Shit On The Internet And Stay Sane', it's a sort of handbook for the unemployed, stay at home fathers, and retired losers with too much time on their hands.
I'm hoping it does as well as my previous tome, 'Peeing In The Sink: A guide for the over sixties'.

110BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 16:00


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
I'll send you a copy of my book when I've completed the last few chapters.
Provisionally titled 'How To Look At Weird Shit On The Internet And Stay Sane', it's a sort of handbook for the unemployed, stay at home fathers, and retired losers with too much time on their hands.
I'm hoping it does as well as my previous tome, 'Peeing In The Sink: A guide for the over sixties'.
Thanks Bomcey, should be a good read  Very Happy

111BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 16:45


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Wise words from all the above today.....Hope you soon feel better, Norpig.

 No need to feel guilty for prioritising health and family.

112BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 18:35


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Yes all the very best Norpig, get out in the countryside with a pair of Binocs one with nature.

113BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 23:19


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Norpig wrote:I usually like to come on here and contribute as much as i can but at the moment i'm off work with stress and feeling very low to be honest.

I will try and contribute more but we all need to stop the bickering and get back to just having debates and conversations without all the usual bollocks.
Sorry to hear you’re under the weather Norpig, I hope the time off helps get you back up and running again in no time. Three points for Wanderers tomorrow would be a help so here’s hoping. Agree completely on the bickering, there’s enough going on in the world without us joining it on here. Chin up anyway and just do as Mrs Pig says and I’m sure she’ll steer you to the right place. 🤗

114BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 23:46


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
Sorry to hear you’re under the weather Norpig, I hope the time off helps get you back up and running again in no time. Three points for Wanderers tomorrow would be a help so here’s hoping. Agree completely on the bickering, there’s enough going on in the world without us joining it on here. Chin up anyway and just do as Mrs Pig says and I’m sure she’ll steer you to the right place. 🤗
Might be an idea to hide his record player. Razz

Having suffered from periods of stress myself in the past, I know it's an uncomfortable place to be. The light often returns suddenly, and unexpectedly, and you'll know the moment.
Hope that moment arrives soon for you.

115BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri Nov 18 2022, 23:50



wessy wrote:Yes all the very best Norpig, get out in the countryside with a pair of Binocs one with nature.

I don't think Norpig going out dogging is the answer here Wessy, but it is good of you to suggest it nevertheless.

The key to beating stress is the ability to say NO and meaning it when things get too much for you.

It's easy for me to say, I know, but a lot harder for you (or anyone else) to do that in practice.

But you MUST.

No matter how badly it is received.

I know you've mentioned before on here that you have been off work before due to stress and your employer has basically not changed anything in order to help you on your return.

In law they have a Duty of Care to you (and all their staff) so MUST change things in some way so that your health in future is not affected by their work procedures and practices.

I attach an article for you to read (It is a bit Janet and John style so it's easy to read) that may give you a better understanding of what your employer is obliged under the law to do for you in your current circumstances.

The article also refers to a 'fit note' which is basically another name for the 'sick note' your GP gives you. (I also attach a link to that too).

What I suggest is that you ask your GP to write and recommend on his next (and any future) 'fit note' whatever it is that you would like to see changes to make your situation better - I think basically that you said you had no support from your line manager/s over reducing your workload - I'm sure your GP could come up with some wording to address such an issue (the point being that this is officially documented and received by your employer so that if in the future you want to do something about your work circumstances - ie if you felt you had to leave work for the sake of your health, you have a cast iron claim for constructive dismissal).

You can then use this in future if things start to get too much for you again (in the same way some people used to use the 'race card' to get away with murder), you could threaten to quit and take your employer to an Employment Tribunal for constructive dismissal if and when you needed something doing by them to stop the stress and make things better for your health.

Or in other words you then could play the constructive dismissal card - if you see what I mean.

Have a bit of a heart to heart with your GP about work and what you believe is causing you the stress and ask him if he could find words to put on your fit note that your employer MUST doing something about to make it better for you.

The bottom line to all this is that you aren't ill in yourself, it is your employers work practices that are causing your illness - and they are legally obligated to do something about them such as to stop making you ill.

Workplace Stress: Employer’s Duty of Care,support%20their%20return%20to%20work.

Fit Note Guidance for Employers

If all else fails, you can always go dogging with Wessy...

116BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat Nov 19 2022, 00:01


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Don't know much about this dogging lark, Sluffy. Can Wessy keep his hanky on?

I'll have to look into it.

117BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat Nov 19 2022, 00:10

Hip Priest

Hip Priest
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Really sorry to hear this Norpig mate. Been there myself (several times). Mental health episodes have cost me my job 3 times so I know exactly where you are coming from. Take your time, cut yourself some slack, you'll come out the other side ok but it always takes time. Good luck and best wishes mate.

118BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat Nov 19 2022, 11:10


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Fortunately I’ve never personally suffered mental health issues Norpig, despite having a stressful job, so I can’t offer any advice other than always try to think positive. One thing I was told that I know definitely helps when your down is to smile. I know it sounds trite but I’ve done it myself when I feel low and can guarantee it works. I don’t know why it does but it just does. However bad things are, there are positives in your life, your kids and grand kids and I always think of these when I’m down and it quickly lifts me. I know it’s not always as easy as that and if you’ve got an inconsiderate boss I’m sure it’s difficult to overcome things but however difficult you must never give in. Hope you’re feeling better soon and however bad it gets you can always come on here and know you’re within friends. 🤗

119BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat Nov 19 2022, 14:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Thanks for all the kind words and advice it means a lot.

Anyone know any good dogging sites around South Manchester by the way? Asking for a friend obviously.

120BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 6 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat Nov 19 2022, 17:22


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

That was better, 3 points in the bag.

Hope you are feeling a bit better after that match.

We sure deserved it.


It's too cold for dogging.

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