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Is Covid now over?

Natasha Whittam
Bolton Nuts
16 posters

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121Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Wed Feb 16 2022, 13:17



For the Attention of Norpig!

Don't know if you've seen this mate - or indeed have an automated dispensary and robots!

Covid: How new drugs are finally taming the virus

122Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Mon Mar 07 2022, 14:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just done a lateral flow test at home as I feel a tad ropey and have a two lines so looks like I have tested positive for it.

Wish me luck chaps! Smile

123Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Mon Mar 07 2022, 14:31



karlypants wrote:Just done a lateral flow test at home as I feel a tad ropey and have a two lines so looks like I have tested positive for it.

Wish me luck chaps! Smile

Sorry to hear that, sincerely.

The good thing seems to be if you are jabbed and boostered, which I believe you are, and with Omicron being the main strain, that your chances of it being anything serious is extremely unlikely.

Fwiw cases rose last week for the first time in quite a while. Not sure why they did and it seems to be nationwide rather than area specific but the good news is that the numbers 'in' hospital (as opposed to daily admissions to hospitals) are still declining.

If it is of any comfort when my daughter caught it just before Christmas she told me she only felt a bit off colour for just two days and was right as rain thereafter - I'm sure it will be similar for you too.

124Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Mon Mar 07 2022, 14:34


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I have a ticklish cough and a bit of a headache along with the rest of the usual flu symptoms of doing the muscle stretches and sore neck and a little light headedness from having a panic at seeing the test result .

I can still taste my food etc so hopefully this is all it will be.

I have always said that it is inevitable that we will all get it at some point anyway.

125Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Mon Mar 07 2022, 14:36


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Get well soon KP.
I've only just plucked up the courage to book my dental check up. I've missed the last three due to the pandemic.
It seems my normal dentist is on maternity leave (again) so I've got a stand in. Hope he's ok.
Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47a7mxd5jw8khlj54p01dbj3r6mh7lmmoy3r9bt3kd&rid=giphy

126Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Mon Mar 07 2022, 14:53


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

This could only happen to me.
Looked my dentist up, and he's an ex copper, who worked in crime scene investigation, and is keen to pursue his interest in forensic odontology.
I couldn't get a nice blonde with an interest in sports, could I.
His name is Scott, and I'm rather concerned.
If he puts me on the floor and draws round me with chalk, I'm legging it. There's plenty of places to hide in Walkden.

127Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Mon Mar 07 2022, 14:59


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Thanks Boncey & Sluffy for your kind words. Smile

128Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Mon Mar 07 2022, 19:39

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sorry to hear that KP, but you'll be right as rain in a few days.

Who is covering the BB bins?

129Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Mon Mar 07 2022, 20:35


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:Sorry to hear that KP, but you'll be right as rain in a few days.

Who is covering the BB bins?

Who said I’ve stopped? Free Covid with every blowie!

This has knocked me a bit as I’ve been hallucinating romping with penny mordaunt and Liz truss. Either it’s that or the mega hot bath I probably shouldn’t have had!

130Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Mon Mar 07 2022, 20:39


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Get well soon KP

131Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Mon Mar 07 2022, 20:43


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

BoltonTillIDie wrote:Get well soon KP
Thanks mate  :good:

132Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Tue Mar 08 2022, 00:49


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:

This has knocked me a bit as I’ve been hallucinating romping with penny mordaunt and Liz truss.
Hallucinatory nightmares aren't usually associated with Covid KP. What "meds" are you on? Smile

133Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Wed Mar 09 2022, 16:51



Hope you are feeling better today Karly?

I don't know why, and it's not one of the main news stories anymore, but Covid cases seemed to have shot up over the last week or so and now are 'officially' 50% higher than they were this time last week!!!

People 'in' hospital has risen 10% in a week too - which is quite a bad indicator really.

I've no idea why or what is happening but I'm guessing perhaps the Omicron Mark II version, which apparently is far more contagious than the original, is sweeping the country?

For those of you who maybe venerable or have loved ones who are, keep safe and take care still.

134Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Wed Mar 09 2022, 17:08


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:
karlypants wrote:

This has knocked me a bit as I’ve been hallucinating romping with penny mordaunt and Liz truss.
Hallucinatory nightmares aren't usually associated with Covid KP. What "meds" are you on? Smile

It must have been the fever I had. Very Happy

135Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Wed Mar 09 2022, 17:10


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:Hope you are feeling better today Karly?

I don't know why, and it's not one of the main news stories anymore, but Covid cases seemed to have shot up over the last week or so and now are 'officially' 50% higher than they were this time last week!!!

People 'in' hospital has risen 10% in a week too - which is quite a bad indicator really.

I've no idea why or what is happening but I'm guessing perhaps the Omicron Mark II version, which apparently is far more contagious than the original, is sweeping the country?

For those of you who maybe venerable or have loved ones who are, keep safe and take care still.

Getting there thanks Sluffy.

Monday night was horrendous with the fever that I had but by the morning that had gone.

I do seem to have a bit of fatigue now along with dizziness and light headedness.

Hopefully after a couple more days I should be back to my best. Smile

136Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Wed Mar 09 2022, 17:36


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:

Hopefully after a couple more days I should be back to my best. Smile
God help us! Very Happy
Get well soon KP. Then maybe you'll do something about my 'Massive Gobshite' thread. I can't believe I've had to write those words.
The real culprit of course is Nat. A bitter, twisted woman, who can't even find her way back to her seat in the pictures. In fact, by her own admission, can't even find the same room. Then she looks up at the screen and sees a giant cartoon pig.
Now she knows how Eric feels.

137Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Wed Mar 09 2022, 21:44

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:The real culprit of course is Nat. A bitter, twisted woman, who can't even find her way back to her seat in the pictures. In fact, by her own admission, can't even find the same room. Then she looks up at the screen and sees a giant cartoon pig.
Now she knows how Eric feels.


That would be funny if it wasn't so insulting.

138Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Thu Mar 10 2022, 08:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I work with a lady who has long covid since the first lockdown and she is still really struggling. She emailed me about work yesterday and asked how she's doing as she is doing a very limited bit of work at home now. She told me she'd had a relapse over the weekend and is going to Germany soon for some experimental treatment!  She said she is having to live with constant pain and physical activity is still a massive struggle.

It really is such a shame for her as she was so full of life before and this is wrecking her and her Husband and kids lives too.

139Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Fri Mar 11 2022, 15:53



Sluffy wrote:I don't know why, and it's not one of the main news stories anymore, but Covid cases seemed to have shot up over the last week or so and now are 'officially' 50% higher than they were this time last week!!!

People 'in' hospital has risen 10% in a week too - which is quite a bad indicator really.

I've no idea why or what is happening but I'm guessing perhaps the Omicron Mark II version, which apparently is far more contagious than the original, is sweeping the country?

For those of you who maybe venerable or have loved ones who are, keep safe and take care still.

Seems cases really are going up!

Covid infections rising again across UK - ONS

Covid infections are increasing across the UK with about one in 25 people infected, according to the latest estimates from the Office for National Statistics.

In Scotland, 300,000 people - one in 18 - have coronavirus - the highest level recorded during the pandemic.

A sub-variant of Omicron, called BA.2, is now thought to be the most common strain in most of the UK.

The ONS says it's too early to say what's behind the rise in cases.

But some scientists believe the BA.2 variant's increased transmissibility, recent easing of restrictions and waning immunity from the vaccines could all be factors.

More here -

140Is Covid now over? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Covid now over? Sun Mar 13 2022, 21:51

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Come on KP, give us an update on your Covid experience. Judging by your recent bullery posts it can't have been too bad.

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