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How is the Tory Government Doing?

Natasha Whittam
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201How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Oct 13 2022, 11:12


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Sluffy: That isn't unbiased and reasoned analysis from him, that's the rantings and ravings of an angry, hateful and utter obsessed looney - and it really is time for it to stop on here.

One day the penny will drop, he's talking to himself again in that mirror. He really means he wants it to stop as long as it's Lusty who caves.

202How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Oct 13 2022, 13:36


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

203How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Oct 13 2022, 13:40


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

wessy wrote:Sluffy: That isn't unbiased and reasoned analysis from him, that's the rantings and ravings of an angry, hateful and utter obsessed looney - and it really is time for it to stop on here.

One day the penny will drop, he's talking to himself again in that mirror. He really means he wants it to stop as long as it's Lusty who caves.
Civilised debate is fine. Indulging in personal abuse is not.

204How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Oct 13 2022, 16:57


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

Please give examples of ANY corruption of ANY Conservative MP that has led to a prosecution/imprisonment.

…or a confession of guilt given the impotence of the legal system

It should be easy as you bang on about such corruption daily.
Paterson paid lobbying
Elphicke 2 years prison for sexual assault
Johnson accepting bribes (twice)
Griffiths rape
Warburton sexual assault and drug abuse
Khan rape of a minor
As yet unnamed Tory mp rape

…and that’s just a few that have been caught so far.

205How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Oct 13 2022, 19:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

White - a question for you….

Do you recognise this current government as being the Conservative party you support?

I ask as several senior Tories of yesteryear have said they don’t, that their party has been abducted by right wing extremists who are turning Britain into a global laughing stock and some have even suggested that they would prefer a Labour government than these interlopers.

American and European investment in the Uk is drying up and these guys are genuinely embarrassed and ashamed by the current government.

This view is reflected in Andrew Marr’s excellent interview with former Telgraph editor Max Hastings

206How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Oct 13 2022, 22:05


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

I think the main problem Lusty is that the Tory party hasn’t been a Conservative party since Maggie was ousted and certainly not for the last decade and more. I’m afraid to say that it has moved rapidly to the left until it’s unrecognisable from the Labour Party of old. I don’t accept your description of the party as moving to the far right, just back to Conservative principles but it’s been so long since we saw any of those, it’s perhaps understandable to think like that. If you really look at what Truss is attempting to do, it’s basically what most voters want, low taxes, successful growing businesses creating solid well paid jobs. Essential services like the police and NHS working efficiently and immigration which works for the UK and not abused by people traffickers and financial migrants. Now if you ask me do I think they’re making a good job of it, or do I think Liz is the ideal PM to deliver it, then no I don’t on both counts. 

I’m disappointed with the Tory MPs who are attacking her but they are the same ones who have hunted Boris down as the deliverer of Brexit and ultimately they are going to destroy what she’s trying to do. I can’t see a successful outcome and so maybe now should be the time to call an election. In order to implement the policies necessary to get the country out of a hole, the government needs a mandate and I’m afraid at the moment the party doesn’t have one. Following the Pandemic and now the Ukraine war the future is uncertain and I’d rather give the problem to Labour for them to show exactly why they should never be anywhere near government. Who knows, they may surprise everyone and do well but it’s unlikely and at least they will get the blame for failure ensuring we’ll only suffer them for one term by which time the Tory Party can recover and find a more acceptable leader.

207How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Oct 13 2022, 22:52



wanderlust wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

Please give examples of ANY corruption of ANY Conservative MP that has led to a prosecution/imprisonment.

…or a confession of guilt given the impotence of the legal system

It should be easy as you bang on about such corruption daily.
Paterson paid lobbying
Elphicke 2 years prison for sexual assault
Johnson accepting bribes (twice)
Griffiths rape
Warburton sexual assault and drug abuse
Khan rape of a minor
As yet unnamed Tory mp rape

…and that’s just a few that have been caught so far.

Hahaha - you're a joke mate!

This is what I posted -

Sluffy wrote: Ok then, let us make it simple, the Conservative government has been in power for 12 years.

Please give examples of ANY corruption of ANY Conservative MP that has led to a prosecution/imprisonment.

It should be easy as you bang on about such corruption daily.

Go on then...

But this is what you quoted me as posting...

Sluffy wrote:

Please give examples of ANY corruption of ANY Conservative MP that has led to a prosecution/imprisonment.

…or a confession of guilt given the impotence of the legal system

It should be easy as you bang on about such corruption daily.

Can anyone spot the difference!!!!

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

You've added in a line I've never said because you can't find ANY examples of CORUPTION that have led to a prosecution/imprisonment!!!

You are utterly pathetic if you need to stoop to telling lies like you have, just to not be seen you are wrong - which more often than not you are!

Yes the MP's with sexual assaults and rapes are complete shits but I wasn't talking about sex crimes - and you know I wasn't - I was talking about all this corruption you tell us the the Tory party do - yet you can't produce just one prosecution in the last twelve years of Tory rule to back you up with!

There's no doubt about it, having to make things up what I haven't said - in order for you to try and prove you weren't wrong on something you said on the internet is just sad and shameful.

There's clearly something wrong in that head of yours doing shit like this.

You need to get help fast for your own good.


Fwiw Paterson and Johnson have never been prosecuted for corruption (or anything else as far as I'm aware - the Covid fine was paid to avoid being officially prosecuted) and the other vermin were prosecuted for sex crimes.

208How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Oct 13 2022, 23:21



Whitesince63 wrote:Sluffy, whilst I do agree with you on Lusty, I do wish he would drop the myopic Tory view but I disagree with you on both Truss and the mini budget solely being responsible for the damage caused. For a start, I 100% agree with what she’s attempting (badly) to achieve and further, I actually believe that the vast majority of the public would too if only it had been explained correctly. The energy cap, NI rise cancellation and Corporation Tax level had been well flagged beforehand and weren’t an issue. Where they went wrong in my opinion was in removing the 45% tax rate and bringing forward the Income Tax reduction without a clear explanation first of how they would pay for it without borrowing. This was exacerbated by the abysmal, performance of the BofE to react much earlier to interest rate rises, which both the US and others had recognised was necessary and applied and the comments that they were selling the bonds purchased through Quantitive Easing. The timing of both of those was what spooked the market and the further recent comments from them about this Friday make things even worse and prove not the governments alone but also their incompetence.

As I say, I’m fully behind what Liz is trying to do and so should all Tory’s and right minded people but the way it’s been done and been delivered is appalling, I do agree. Surely, if you were going to make such drastic changes, which we always knew she intended, the budget should have been accompanied by both a statement as to the reasons for it and it’s advantages to the ordinary person in the street, however tough it might feel and also exactly how it would be paid for, including any borrowing. Had this been done the panic could have been avoided. We are not alone in having to make tough decisions but other governments by and large did explain around them and it was our failure to do so which resulted in the lack of confidence which arose.

Nobody can dismiss the costly and negative effects of the Covic Pandemic and the Ukraine war, especially coming on top of Brexit, so any government would have had serious issues to deal with. In fairness to Truss, she only has two years to effect her changes and so there was no time to delay and apply later. I can’t argue that it was rushed through without proper thought and that several of the cuts were unnecessary, nor do I think she is the most charismatic politician to carry them out but we are where we are and backtracking on them now would be a disaster. In fact I’m coming round to the thought that now would actually be the best time for the Tory’s to call for an election because I don’t see any way, whoever was Tory PM, that things can be corrected within the time left. As hard and destructive as it may be, I’d be inclined to give Labour the opportunity to prove just how completely incompetent they are and at least guarantee a Tory return afterwards when we can start rebuilding for another 15 to 20 year reign once the young who have never experienced a Labour government finally realise the error of their ways!!

63 mate, I know you are enamoured with Truss (you voted for her after all) but the fact is the mini budget has led to a major loss of world confidence in the UK economy - even the IMF gave a warning about it!

You can disagree with me as much as you want about Truss but the simple truth is that NO ONE is buying UK gilts (which in simple terms no one wants to lend to the UK because they don't think they will get their money back) and this is a DIRECT cause of that mini budget.

Please don't fall for the Tory spin that better communication/preparing the ground would have made things better - that's just bullshit for (with the greatest respect) people like you to swallow.

The issue is really simple to follow - the budget is intending to give away shortly £43 billion - but where is the £43 billion to be funded from - it isn't cuts in services (Truss has been forced to admit that) and she's stated she's not increasing borrowing - so how do they fill this £43 billion black hole.

Truss is expecting to sell £43 billion of guilts and pay that back (plus interest) in 5 years time. She claims the tax cuts to the rich will 'trickle down' by those rich people spending this money on creating new jobs.

The thing is though 'trickle down has been shown not to work.

So Truss and Kwarty are on the hook for £43 billion that can't be funded - and that has what has spooked the market and nobody is touching any government guilts let alone just this particular £43 billion.

I can't see the £43 billion tax cuts surviving, there has to be a U-turn otherwise the economy is going to go into melt down.

This isn't me saying all this, it is the the world's financial money markets saying this!

It was all a crazy idea to start with - God knows what they were thinking because it is just sheer financial madness what they are committed to.

209How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 00:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Daily Fail reporting that Tory rebels are giving Truss - whose approval rating has slipped to just 9% - 17 days to save her job Here
Senior Tories are apparently coaching Sunday and Mordaunt to make a challenge although it’s not clear which one is in line for PM.

210How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 08:08


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I could never understand why the Tories picked Dizzy Lizzy over Sunak and it looks like are seeing the error in their ways already. She'll be lucky to still be PM by the end of the month at this rate.

211How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 08:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I’ve never been so better off ever , loving all this free stuff!

212How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 10:18


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Norpig wrote:I could never understand why the Tories picked Dizzy Lizzy over Sunak and it looks like are seeing the error in their ways already. She'll be lucky to still be PM by the end of the month at this rate.
Sunak would be a disaster as a PM and that backstabbing bint Mordaunt the same. We are supposed to live in a democracy and like it or not, including Tory MPs, procedures were followed to the letter, as they also were with Boris, who even had the electorate and probably still does actually, on his side yet a cabal of myopic MPs have decided we should remove a second properly, democratically elected PM. Just what does that say about the party? If it were a 3rd world country attempting to overturn a democratically elected leader there would be all kind of complaints. 

Yes, I voted for Truss but not because I specifically wanted her, I’d have preferred Boris to remain, but of those provided to me as a member I, like the majority chose her over Sunak and still would. What I can say though is that if theses morons do succeed in overturning Truss, I will like many other members leave the party immediately. Like her or not, believe in her or not, just give her a chance to deliver the full package and if it’s clear that it doesn’t add up then call a GE and let the country decide because there will be no credibility at all in any new PM the rebels want to impose.

213How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 12:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Something is going to happen that’s for sure.
Kwarteng hauled back before he had a chance to speak in the states, not included in Truss’s press conference sparking rumours she’s going to sacrifice him and possibly reinstate Riski as Chancellor.
Senior Tories demanding a complete u-turn on the budget but worried she’ll nibble at it which won’t bring back market confidence.
Signs of desperation everywhere, but the only sensible thing to do is to scrap the budget, apologise to the nation and the markets and pray we can cope with the damage.
Pound is up and down like a bride’s nightie so hopefully calm will be restored instead of leaving us with the worst of both worlds.

214How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 12:44


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:I think the main problem Lusty is that the Tory party hasn’t been a Conservative party since Maggie was ousted and certainly not for the last decade and more. I’m afraid to say that it has moved rapidly to the left until it’s unrecognisable from the Labour Party of old. I don’t accept your description of the party as moving to the far right, just back to Conservative principles but it’s been so long since we saw any of those, it’s perhaps understandable to think like that. If you really look at what Truss is attempting to do, it’s basically what most voters want, low taxes, successful growing businesses creating solid well paid jobs. Essential services like the police and NHS working efficiently and immigration which works for the UK and not abused by people traffickers and financial migrants. Now if you ask me do I think they’re making a good job of it, or do I think Liz is the ideal PM to deliver it, then no I don’t on both counts. 

I’m disappointed with the Tory MPs who are attacking her but they are the same ones who have hunted Boris down as the deliverer of Brexit and ultimately they are going to destroy what she’s trying to do. I can’t see a successful outcome and so maybe now should be the time to call an election. In order to implement the policies necessary to get the country out of a hole, the government needs a mandate and I’m afraid at the moment the party doesn’t have one. Following the Pandemic and now the Ukraine war the future is uncertain and I’d rather give the problem to Labour for them to show exactly why they should never be anywhere near government. Who knows, they may surprise everyone and do well but it’s unlikely and at least they will get the blame for failure ensuring we’ll only suffer them for one term by which time the Tory Party can recover and find a more acceptable leader.
Strange as most senior Tories seem to be saying it’s more right wing than ever and heavily influenced by UKIP whose votes it nicked.
Probably is the same people who got Boris as Brexit has been an unmitigated disaster as our performance compared to other economies and failure to secure comparable trade deals has proven.

215How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 12:57


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Zahawi and Javid apparently being considered although some favour Hunt to send a message to the markets.

216How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 13:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ooooooh - this is exciting. It’s just like waiting to find out who Simon Cowell has picked to win Britains Got F****d.


217How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 13:28


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Hunt seems to be fancied, not sure why.

218How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 13:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 HarshIcyAmethystinepython-size_restricted

219How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 13:31


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 457d1ae2-cc9d-400c-b0f6-d3ae2b534a2e

220How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 11 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 13:38


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cajunboy wrote:Hunt seems to be fancied, not sure why.
Centrist, so would tell the markets to calm the f*** down.
And that it’s safe to invest in Britain.
Also a vain attempt to unite the party and save Truss’s job.
Given that Kwarteng was the shortest serving Chancellor in our very lengthy history apart from a guy who had a heart attack and died after 30 days, she seems hell bent on hanging on to power regardless of what principles, policies and people have to be thrown under the bus to do it.

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