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How is the Tory Government Doing?

Natasha Whittam
Soul Kitchen
Ten Bobsworth
Bolton Nuts
23 posters

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221How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 14:50


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

She claims -as usual- to have “acted decisively “

….sure has seeing as she’s just u-turned on the central plank of her entire economic strategy.

…and is now claiming she has “ensured economic stability”……by not doing what she claimed she believes in.

Press questions around  why she thinks she shouldn’t resign and will she apologise to the Tory party.

What a joke this dead woman walking is.

222How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 16:13


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Unfortunately Truss’s lame speech and the appointment of Hunt have done nothing to calm the markets and the pound has slipped again and government bond yields I.e. the rate of interest we have to pay for borrowing has gone up.

Surely she sees that it is in the best interest of Britain that she goes? Never up to the job and everyone knows it - worryingly that includes investors.

223How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 18:27


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

I think the markets are telling us it’s not just Kwarteng they want out but how ridiculous is replacing him with Hunt, massively unpopular with party members and completely reversing her position on Corporation Tax. So now we’ve got two Remain voters running the party which will go down really well with Brexiteers. You really couldn’t make this up if you tried, complete madness. I was all for giving Liz the benefit of the doubt, even up to this morning but now I’m afraid she’s completely blown it. The only question for me now is who replaces her? Personally, despite his failings, I’d bring back Boris as he’s probably the only one who could have even a faint hope of rescuing the next election. Definitely not Rishi and certainly not partnered with that turncoat Mordaunt. My membership, as I suspect like many dependant on what happens next. If Liz survives I’ll grin and bare it but if it’s Sunak I’m definitely out because we’ll have been well and truly shafted. At the end of the day, the worst Tory Government is still preferable to a Labour one but these are really pushing it close.

224How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 19:05


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

I think Eton needs to re-examine its admission policies and curriculum. It produces men with no moral compass, focus or integrity, and very little ability to think clearly and problem-solve. The UK needs its ministers to have more than a smattering of the Classics, Greek and Latin.

The Tories need to stop choosing an individual with no relevant knowledge or expertise to take up a role as secretary of state for a specific, specialised department. 

What is Hunt's suitability for a role as chancellor? He was disastrous as Health Secretary, causing huge ructions amongst staff.

Come to that, what did the Tories see in Truss?

Better judgement required all round....

225How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 23:02


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Truss has had her card marked so will be gone soon.

Next unelected Tory clown please……

Last edited by wanderlust on Mon Oct 17 2022, 16:27; edited 1 time in total

226How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 23:16

Bolton Nuts


I would like to add that Labour need a proper leader. Let's just go back to the 90s. That's fashionable. Tony Blair anyone?

227How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 14 2022, 23:17



I've not been about much today but I'm shocked to see how little response there has been on here to the events of today.

As I've said all along Truss campaigned to become the next PM by attacking Rishi's increased borrowing and raising of taxes to keep the government's spending commitments funded.

Obviously an economy with high growth and low taxes is attractive to everyone irrespective of your personal political leanings but basic maths tells you that you can't spend money you haven't got (or can borrow, or you can save the equivalent in cutting your expenditure elsewhere).

Surely that is basic commonsense to everyone isn't it????

I can completely understand Truss selling a vision to get elected to PM but I never dreamt for one moment that she'd act on it as she did!

That (as I've said before on here) tells you two critical things -

1 - She doesn't understand the basis of how the economy works, and,
2 - She has no political nous - in other words she believed more in the political dogma she was selling than understanding how it would be viewed and received in the real world.

Both are terminal political flaws.

She should never have been able to challenge to become PM let alone achieve it!

She is in a dead man walking situation and is now viewed as a lame duck and liability to the vast majority of the electorate.

The Tory party must remove her as quickly as they are able to and find a 'neutral' caretaker PM to replace her - someone like IDS or Hauge perhaps - someone who will be supported by all the various groups now trying to get Truss out.

Finally I can't resist having a little dig at the halfwits on here and would just like to point out that everything I predicted since Boris finally jumped was spot on, namely that Truss should not be elected PM because she clearly didn't understand how the economy works and that the massive black hole of £42 billion was the issue to focus on and not the sideshow of the (in relative terms) puny amount (£3 billion) involved in the 45% tax rate cut.

Must I point out that the U-turn on the tax cut was two weeks ago - and no one was much bothered about it as such in economic terms (because it was small fry) - but everybody and their dog got their fangs stuck into Truss and Kwarty about the £42 billion 'black hole' they created, which has cost Kwarty his career in politics and will shorty do the same for Truss too.

My message to anyone out there who has kindly read so far is that you may not like me much as a poster but more often than not I do actually know what I'm talking about...


Last edited by Sluffy on Sat Oct 15 2022, 07:10; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typing error)

228How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 15 2022, 02:03

Hip Priest

Hip Priest
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Ah well, another day another Tory shitstorm/meltdown.
I'll be amazed if she's still around by Monday morning, her position is now completely untenable.
Personally I hope she hangs on in there as long as possible. It's good watching the Tories tear themselves to shreds.

229How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 15 2022, 07:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Biggie wrote:I would like to add that Labour need a proper leader. Let's just go back to the 90s. That's fashionable. Tony Blair anyone?
Definitely not his support of American foreign policy despite the security and trade benefits he got from the “special relationship” but I’d have the incredible economic performance and social reforms he achieved back in a heartbeat - we’ve never had it so good. 
Strengthened the nhs, police, core public services and >2 million people lifted out of poverty, minimum wage introduced all against the background of two of the greatest achievements of the 21st century- the Good Friday agreement that finally brought peace to our shores as well as in Ireland and the independence of the Bank of England which the global markets love.

Controversy always surrounds decisive strong leadership, but despite his mistakes his performance for Britain has never been surpassed and we’ve been in decline since.

Personally I’ll never forgive him for the war and didn’t vote for him but in terms of strong decisive leadership and achievements for Britain and our people - top marks for bringing peace, stability and wealth to our shores.


230How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 15 2022, 08:30


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

wanderlust wrote:
Definitely not his support of American foreign policy despite the security and trade benefits he got from the “special relationship” but I’d have the incredible economic performance and social reforms he achieved back in a heartbeat - we’ve never had it so good. 
Strengthened the nhs, police, core public services and >2 million people lifted out of poverty, minimum wage introduced all against the background of two of the greatest achievements of the 21st century- the Good Friday agreement that finally brought peace to our shores as well as in Ireland and the independence of the Bank of England which the global markets love.

Controversy always surrounds decisive strong leadership, but despite his mistakes his performance for Britain has never been surpassed and we’ve been in decline since.

Personally I’ll never forgive him for the war and didn’t vote for him but in terms of strong decisive leadership and achievements for Britain and our people - top marks for bringing peace, stability and wealth to our shores.

Not to mention regeneration of our cities, and banning fox-hunting and smoking in public.
 A brilliant public speaker. His speech at Lady Di's funeral was awesome.

231How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 15 2022, 08:43

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:I've not been about much today but I'm shocked to see how little response there has been on here to the events of today.

Shocked? You do realise some people have a real life off the internet.

When I hear some news my first reaction isn't to rush to a football forum (read by 5 people) to post my thoughts on the situation.

232How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 15 2022, 09:33



Natasha Whittam wrote:
Sluffy wrote:I've not been about much today but I'm shocked to see how little response there has been on here to the events of today.

Shocked? You do realise some people have a real life off the internet.

When I hear some news my first reaction isn't to rush to a football forum (read by 5 people) to post my thoughts on the situation.

You do realise that I too was not about or posting on the site (read by 5 people) and only got around to viewing the site and making my post close to midnight on the day - so yes I do realise people have a real life off the internet - because I'm actually one of those that actually do as opposed to some who spend their life posting pretending to be either someone they are not or to use the forum as their personal platform to spread their obsessive, prejudice and hatred of Brexit and the Tory government.

And that's probably the reason we are now read by just 5 people...

233How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 15 2022, 10:34


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

You do realise that I too was not about or posting on the site (read by 5 people) and only got around to viewing the site and making my post close to midnight on the day - so yes I do realise people have a real life off the internet - because I'm actually one of those that actually do as opposed to some who spend their life posting pretending to be either someone they are not or to use the forum as their personal platform to spread their obsessive, prejudice and hatred of Brexit and the Tory government.

And that's probably the reason we are now read by just 5 people...

Five people! If only someone could save us.
How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Img_0177

234How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 15 2022, 17:13


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

We all need a Brucie Bonus!

235How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 15 2022, 19:22


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Anybody know who the Chancellor will be in November please.

236How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 15 2022, 19:43


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wessy wrote:Anybody know who the Chancellor will be in November please.
Jimmy Carr.

237How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 15 2022, 23:40


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wessy wrote:Anybody know who the Chancellor will be in November please.
It will probably still be Hunt even though he is also now the de facto Prime Minister.
He will decide policy and enact it along neoliberal centrist lines which in conservative spiel is austerity.
Taxes up, cuts to services, Truss sidelined.

It’s totally the wrong policy but it’s the only thing left in  the Tory repertoire.

238How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Oct 16 2022, 08:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

What’s going on with the Daily Telegraph?

Once at the forefront of right wing propaganda and populism it today published articles that claim Brexit was a disaster, “project fear” was right all along and “is Britain becoming the new Italy?”

I find it disturbing that the Telegraph is agreeing with my perspective - but I assume that is deliberate positioning as Tory centrists move to wrest control and stem the tide of defectors.

239How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Oct 16 2022, 09:40


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

wanderlust wrote:What’s going on with the Daily Telegraph?

Once at the forefront of right wing propaganda and populism it today published articles that claim Brexit was a disaster, “project fear” was right all along and “is Britain becoming the new Italy?”
Thank god for that! My sister takes the Telegraph each day and gets terribly upset if I try to gently suggest (I know....split infinitive!) that she look at papers which present the news in a more neutral, balanced way.

 She is frail and often tearful now after a bout of life-threatening pneumonia, so I change the subject in order to avoid her having to confront her life's viewpoints. I think she knows now deep down that she's been misled....certainly latterly.

We clash on religion too, but again the subject is best left alone. I won't even begin any discussion on wokery and am happy to leave her with The Telegraph's crossword to occupy her mind and her day.

240How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 12 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Oct 16 2022, 10:42


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

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