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How is the Tory Government Doing?

Natasha Whittam
Soul Kitchen
Ten Bobsworth
Bolton Nuts
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621How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Aug 01 2023, 08:11

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Thumbs up for Darragh MacAnthony. :good: :good: :good:

Not that it will make any difference with the arrogant Vince who threatened to liquidate BWFC before becoming the BWFCST's best mate. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

622How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Aug 01 2023, 12:26


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just for 63, the good Professor. (And his cat).

623How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Aug 01 2023, 22:24

Hip Priest

Hip Priest
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

I regularly listen to what the Prof has to say. He's always interesting and I invariably agree with the sentiments he expresses. 
If you want to know what Matt Hancock gets up to in the stationery cupboard with Gina you'll need to tune in regularly, and as a cat lover myself I very much appreciate the co-star, his mard cat Bay. Shame on you 63 for your unkind comments about Bay.
The prof is one of those rare things, a decent tory, if indeed such a thing exists.

624How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 02 2023, 10:59


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Ten Bobsworth wrote:Thumbs up for Darragh MacAnthony. :good: :good: :good:

Not that it will make any difference with the arrogant Vince who threatened to liquidate BWFC before becoming the BWFCST's best mate. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Scruffy old git needs a good hair cut ( no wonder he wears that silly hat) but at least he didn’t have his scraggy moggy crawling all over him this time (sorry cat fans) I just loathe them. All that said I actually agree with much of what he said including Lee Anderson, who I liked, but who has really let himself and the party down by entering the media on GBN.

625How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 02 2023, 11:21


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:Just for 63, the good Professor. (And his cat).

Are you saying I’m not a decent Tory then HP? 🤗 I’d certainly hope I am because I’m sure if we both sat down and shared our views there wouldn’t be much of a difference between us. So that makes you a decent Labour (excuse the assumption) voter then? I think the biggest thing that’s gone wrong with politics over the last few decades is that any debate has been strangled to the extent that only your own view is the right one. There’s no room for compromise and in essence that’s exactly what Dale Vince is exposing with his support of Just Stop Oil. He can’t get his message across through dialogue and conviction so he supports a disgusting collection of morons who consider ruining peoples lives and even threatening their lives for a discussion that should have been held and debated publicly to get the population on side. 

Instead we’ve got elected politicians across all parties, local and National, basically forcing people down a path which they never chose for reasons that were never explained or had promoted dialogue on just what was their own personal views. Now that to me is not democracy and unless the public, whichever party, stand up and fight that things will only get worse. Thankfully the reality is now starting to bite that even if we complied totally with our net zero commitments it would make no difference to the Climate change. In fact there is now empirical proof that even if we wanted to meet all our stupidly created arbitrary deadlines on EVs and Heat Pumps the capability to deliver it just isn’t there. We know that Rishi HAS to change those dates so it’s just a matter of when common sense takes over and he admits it. The country and the West in total is broken and until a politician emerges strong enough to take this situation on it will continue to descend and not just on Climate Change.

626How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Aug 03 2023, 15:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

627How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 01:26

Hip Priest

Hip Priest
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

628How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 03:10




Have you learned nothing???

Did you bother to find out who the bloke is who you are listening to?

Is he knowledgeable about what he is talking about, is he an expert in the field, what experience has he had, has he first hand experience about what he's talking about...


This is what he claims to be on his Linked in profile (NOTE his hatred of Brexit!!!).

I have more than forty years of experience in setting up and running small businesses. I have been involved in manufacturing, importing, exporting, wholesaling and retailing. I have supplied all types of customers from one man corner shops to most of the major UK retailers. Much of my experience has involved supplying many of the largest and best known tourist attractions in the UK. I have travelled extensively on business to many countries in Europe, the Far East and the United States. For twenty years I was a regular traveller to Italy visiting the country more than 200 times. Later I began travelling regularly to China, Japan and Taiwan where I gained more than twenty years of experience in sourcing suppliers. For almost twenty years I had a business which supplied some 200 - 300 retail customers in Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Barcelona. Brexit meant that this business closed the day that the UK left the EU. I have a background in accounting and am experienced in all of the financial aspects of running a business. I have also been much involved in product design throughout my long career.
At the beginning of 2021 I began posting on YouTube and now post regularly. I have just over 33,500 subscribers and weekly views of my videos average between 15,000 and 40,000.
I am currently working on expanding my reach on social media but I am always available to consider any offers or proposals for co-operation or consultation.

So NO political experience, NO knowledge of how government works, Tory hater, Brexit axe to grind...

Well what an utter surprise...NOT!!!

I'm actually (and fwiw, genuinely) far more knowledgeable about what he's talking about than him - and yet you don't believe a word I say!!!

Fair enough actually, I keep telling you not to believe anyone until you checked them out first - yet you instantly believe this random cove, who you know zero about???  WHY?  Is it because he simply saying the shit you want to hear...

Of course it is!!!

Where the fuck do you find such loonies and nutjobs???

This is the idiots Twitter intro...

Michael Lambert
Commenting on current affairs especially Brexit and government…Joined August 2017
1,022 Following

This is his You Tube details...

Michael Lambert@MichaelLambert
136.4K subscribers
122 videos

NOTE the 136,400 subscribers - at say £10 per year = £1,364,000

And he has the cheek to talk about the Tory government ripping people off - he's doing the same thing himself!!!

Don't you get it???

People like him, the barnpot from Scunthorpe, Good Law Project, etc, etc, etc, TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR in order to monetarise it for gormless idiots like you to swallow whole and throw money at them via subscriptions!!!

It's a scam - but braindeads like you fall for it every time.

It's known as internet 'grifting'.

The bloke knows no more about what he's talking about other than what he's seen on other left wing propaganda sites, which you clearly view too!

Ask yourself if all this shit and cronyism has really gone on, why then has no one been arrested, where are the whistle blowers, why can't the investigative journalist find anything, why isn't Labour demanding answers, etc, etc, etc...

Might it be because no PPE contracts were fraudulently awarded, and risks indeed were taken in order to stop the economy from total collapse AND Labour supported the government all through Covid simply because no one really knew a better way to get through it at the time.

I don't know who is the most stupid, the nutjobs who make these video's or the moron's like you who watch them and believe every word they say!

Is it any wonder that I laugh at you gormless idiots???


PS - This seems to be the company he said he owned -


The accounts doesn't seem to read that it was the giant company that he painted such a picture of!

This one -


...seems to went bust!

And so did this one!


As I say don't believe a thing on social media without checking it out first!

629How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 10:36


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

If this guy who in principle knows nothing can make over a million scamming people on line Sluffy, just imagine how much you could make? I heard the other day that a question was asked of young people in the US and China what their ambition was to be. The Chinese said Engineers, the US said Internet Influencers!! That just about sums us up with the likes of HP and a few others on here. I know you criticise me sometimes for not believing things but like you I want evidence from which to make my mind up. Unfortunately so much information is “swayed” one way or the other these days it’s more and more difficult to actually establish the truth in anything!! 🥴

630How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 10:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

You don't pay to subscribe on youtube, you make your money by having paid adverts in your videos.

631How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 11:01


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:You don't pay to subscribe on youtube, you make your money by having paid adverts in your videos.

So even more inclined to talk bollocks to get more subscribers. Very Happy

632How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 11:32

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

A new record for sluffy, up until 3.10am proving someone wrong on the internet.

633How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 11:46


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:A new record for sluffy, up until 3.10am proving someone wrong on the internet.


634How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 12:22



Natasha Whittam wrote:A new record for sluffy, up until 3.10am proving someone wrong on the internet.

I've got all day to sleep!

Fwiw, I've not been able to sleep through for some time, my aged prostate won't let me anymore, and often these days I can't get back to sleep after one of my visits to the bathroom.

I might as well do something I like, such as laughing at complete morons, than lay tossing and turning for in my bed, awake.

So I do!

I catch up on my sleep, usually the following morning.

It is what it is at my time of life.

So now you know.

635How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 13:10


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

You could always let nature take its cause and use tena for men at night. You would have some lovely dreams then! Very Happy

636How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 13:15



Norpig wrote:You don't pay to subscribe on youtube, you make your money by having paid adverts in your videos.

Thanks Norpig, as you can tell I don't subscribe to anyone on social media.

I wish I could say I'm amazed that some random, rabid, septuagenarian, living in a semi in Southall, could attract nearly 140,000 braindead sheep to subscribe to watching (paid for) adverts on his website, let alone many more hangers on like Hip Priest who gormlessly follow his ranting, no doubt believing every word of them - but I'm not.

That sadly is a true reflection of how dumbed down life really is these days.

Fair play to the old bloke, he probably believes what he says, earns an income from the ads that companies pay to place on his streams, has got himself a following and has become the centre of attention that he no doubts craves for (why else do all his vids?) from at least 140,000 retards that 'fawn' over what he tells them as can be seen on the comments section below his vids.

The trouble is in my eyes, is that he doesn't know what he is talking about, it is just his own personal views based on his prejudice and obvious hatred (of Brexit) and the 140,000 plus non subscribers like Hip Priest lap it up because IT IS WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR AND BELIEVE!

Christ it took me what, 5 minutes to put his name in to Google to find out what I have about him!

If I can do that, anyone can!

But like the Hip Priest's of the world, they simply believe what they are spoon fed from the rantings of these biased and prejudicial idiots, because they are nothing more than biased and prejudicial idiots, in the same way, themselves!

Fwiw I don't support the Tory Party, they have made mistakes (everyone does you know!) I don't support any political party because politicians ALWAYS do what is best for them (to get in power, then stay in power) in order to get people to vote for them.

That's how the game works.

Politics is not about what is best for the country, it is all about gaining power and keeping it.

Was Brexit in the best financial interest of the country, all the experts told us it wasn't, but people believed Boris (who saw it as an opportunity to build up his power base amongst the Conservative Euro-sceptics, for a future challenge to become his party's leader) who simply lied and lied to them, just to get their vote.

Look at the idiots who fell for it - Wanderlust for instance (oh come on, you all expected me to mention him, didn't you!).

It's a free country, believe the man in the moon for all I care, but if you have even half a braincell then why don't you simply check out who they are and what they say is true before swallowing all the turds they spout?

637How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 13:20



karlypants wrote:You could always let nature take its cause and use tena for men at night. You would have some lovely dreams then! Very Happy

No doubt I'll be back in nappies one day but for now I still have my dignity and besides its fun to laugh at idiots like Hip Priest who would rather hate than learn - although when I really do start to piss myself when laughing at his stupidity, the Tena's may well come in handy then!

638How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Aug 30 2023, 13:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:
karlypants wrote:You could always let nature take its cause and use tena for men at night. You would have some lovely dreams then! Very Happy

No doubt I'll be back in nappies one day but for now I still have my dignity and besides its fun to laugh at idiots like Hip Priest who would rather hate than learn - although when I really do start to piss myself when laughing at his stupidity, the Tena's may well come in handy then!


639How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Aug 31 2023, 01:19

Hip Priest

Hip Priest
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy wrote:REALLY???

Have you learned nothing???

Did you bother to find out who the bloke is who you are listening to?

Is he knowledgeable about what he is talking about, is he an expert in the field, what experience has he had, has he first hand experience about what he's talking about...


This is what he claims to be on his Linked in profile (NOTE his hatred of Brexit!!!).

I have more than forty years of experience in setting up and running small businesses. I have been involved in manufacturing, importing, exporting, wholesaling and retailing. I have supplied all types of customers from one man corner shops to most of the major UK retailers. Much of my experience has involved supplying many of the largest and best known tourist attractions in the UK. I have travelled extensively on business to many countries in Europe, the Far East and the United States. For twenty years I was a regular traveller to Italy visiting the country more than 200 times. Later I began travelling regularly to China, Japan and Taiwan where I gained more than twenty years of experience in sourcing suppliers. For almost twenty years I had a business which supplied some 200 - 300 retail customers in Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Barcelona. Brexit meant that this business closed the day that the UK left the EU. I have a background in accounting and am experienced in all of the financial aspects of running a business. I have also been much involved in product design throughout my long career.
At the beginning of 2021 I began posting on YouTube and now post regularly. I have just over 33,500 subscribers and weekly views of my videos average between 15,000 and 40,000.
I am currently working on expanding my reach on social media but I am always available to consider any offers or proposals for co-operation or consultation.

So NO political experience, NO knowledge of how government works, Tory hater, Brexit axe to grind...

Well what an utter surprise...NOT!!!

I'm actually (and fwiw, genuinely) far more knowledgeable about what he's talking about than him - and yet you don't believe a word I say!!!

Fair enough actually, I keep telling you not to believe anyone until you checked them out first - yet you instantly believe this random cove, who you know zero about???  WHY?  Is it because he simply saying the shit you want to hear...

Of course it is!!!

Where the fuck do you find such loonies and nutjobs???

This is the idiots Twitter intro...

Michael Lambert
Commenting on current affairs especially Brexit and government…Joined August 2017
1,022 Following

This is his You Tube details...

Michael Lambert@MichaelLambert
136.4K subscribers
122 videos

NOTE the 136,400 subscribers - at say £10 per year = £1,364,000

And he has the cheek to talk about the Tory government ripping people off - he's doing the same thing himself!!!

Don't you get it???

People like him, the barnpot from Scunthorpe, Good Law Project, etc, etc, etc, TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR in order to monetarise it for gormless idiots like you to swallow whole and throw money at them via subscriptions!!!

It's a scam - but braindeads like you fall for it every time.

It's known as internet 'grifting'.

The bloke knows no more about what he's talking about other than what he's seen on other left wing propaganda sites, which you clearly view too!

Ask yourself if all this shit and cronyism has really gone on, why then has no one been arrested, where are the whistle blowers, why can't the investigative journalist find anything, why isn't Labour demanding answers, etc, etc, etc...

Might it be because no PPE contracts were fraudulently awarded, and risks indeed were taken in order to stop the economy from total collapse AND Labour supported the government all through Covid simply because no one really knew a better way to get through it at the time.

I don't know who is the most stupid, the nutjobs who make these video's or the moron's like you who watch them and believe every word they say!

Is it any wonder that I laugh at you gormless idiots???


PS - This seems to be the company he said he owned -


The accounts doesn't seem to read that it was the giant company that he painted such a picture of!

This one -


...seems to went bust!

And so did this one!


As I say don't believe a thing on social media without checking it out first!

Hey it turns out that this trolling Sluffy lark can be great fun.  Very Happy  Very Happy

Didn't need to even say a word of my own to him this time and he's composed another wondrous 2 page long hate filled missive full of bile and personal insults.   Very Happy  Very Happy

Not read it in detail but caught the usual ones like "moron", "nutjob" and "gormless idiot"  Rolling Eyes

You're such an expert Sluffy mate, fancy gormless old me still paying a fortune over in subscriptions to all these nutjob so called experts on the internet after you warned me about it months ago. No wonder I never have any money.  :rofl:

Now then, let's see what I can post to wind him up tonight.   Cool

Last edited by Hip Priest on Thu Aug 31 2023, 01:29; edited 2 times in total

640How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 32 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Aug 31 2023, 01:22

Hip Priest

Hip Priest
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Go on, easy target this one Sluffy mate. Dive in. Very Happy

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