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How is the Tory Government Doing?

Natasha Whittam
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Ten Bobsworth
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261How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Oct 17 2022, 18:48


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

The bit that i find weird is if the general public could see that Truss was a bad comunicator and seemed to lack the ability to answer questions then why did Tory MPs make sure she was on the ballot sheet, The ability to ward of questions surely is central to the job of being PM. 

But then they send it out to the membership, who have a clear choice between a very good communicator with fiscal experience or the expert in Cheese who can't string a sentence together? They chose Cheese !!

What the hell were they thinking.  You really dont deserve to get to pick another Z lister. The rules need to be changed. One pass in a 5 year period or if the PM dies etc, after that a general election.

262How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Oct 17 2022, 22:14



boltonbonce wrote:
And are you seriously comparing Oborne to Icke?


Not full-on David Icke believing in alien lizards ruling us - or whatever he rants about but Oborne has veered well away from normality to the extremes of believing in wild conspiracy theories - so much so than he's now been shunned by his peers.

As I say ask yourself the question that if he really is well respected why then is he pimping himself out on DDN which 99% of the population of this country has probably never heard of, let alone listened to!

He's lost the plot completely.

And no one as yet answered me why these super rich that Oborne and Wanderlust believe in, who tell the Tory Prime Ministers what to do have told Truss to do a mini budget that would (according to Oborne himself in the video you posted) lead to the ruination of the UK economy, the end of the Conservative party and the rise of subsequent generations of Labour governments legislating for better pay and conditions of the workers and levying taxes on these super rich - who are by definition the enemy of the people who they have being trying to supress for the last 14 years?

It makes absolutely no bloody sense at all does it?

Oh and just to show I know what I'm talking about I predicted this last week when Kwarty was still in his job as the chancellor!!!

Sluffy wrote:So Truss and Kwarty are on the hook for £43 billion that can't be funded - and that has what has spooked the market and nobody is touching any government guilts let alone just this particular £43 billion.

I can't see the £43 billion tax cuts surviving, there has to be a U-turn otherwise the economy is going to go into meltdown.


263How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Oct 17 2022, 22:45


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

So Truss is being kept around as a puppet pm.

Makes sense I guess as she’s now under the centrist thumb and overcoming the Tory’s one year leadership challenge rule would create even more waves at a time when they are trying to give off “everything is under control” vibes. 

Labour again missed a golden opportunity today as they were all focused on Truss and the latest cock up rather than getting across the message that this was just the latest episode in 12 years of mismanagement of the economy - a door that was inadvertently opened by Mordaunt in pmqs.

264How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Oct 18 2022, 15:40


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

It seems idiotic to keep the increase on duty on alcohol to raise  a paltry £600 million, at the cost of damaging the hospitality industry even more.

Pubs and small breweries are closing on a daily basis and will really struggle this winter with the energy and increased mortgage costs hitting so many families.

265How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Oct 18 2022, 16:16


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Cajunboy wrote:It seems idiotic to keep the increase on duty on alcohol to raise  a paltry £600 million, at the cost of damaging the hospitality industry even more.

Pubs and small breweries are closing on a daily basis and will really struggle this winter with the energy and increased mortgage costs hitting so many families.
On the radio this morning a landlord said that we had lost 60% of pubs already. And this increase was the equivalent not of putting the final nail in the coffin, but taking the lid off and driving a stake through it's heart.

266How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Oct 18 2022, 16:56


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:
The guarded responses from Mordaunt in pmqs implied that Truss is gone within days.
Mordaunt hasn’t done PMQs it’s not until tomorrow. She answered a question in the house as Leader of the House as LT had a previous meeting arranged. I don’t blame her because the question was utterly pointless anyway and yet another attempt for Starmer to grasp at any straw.

267How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Oct 18 2022, 19:11


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Whitesince63 wrote:
Mordaunt hasn’t done PMQs it’s not until tomorrow. She answered a question in the house as Leader of the House as LT had a previous meeting arranged. I don’t blame her because the question was utterly pointless anyway and yet another attempt for Starmer to grasp at any straw.
Grasping at any straw, really Whites isnt it the job of the opposition to ask questions of the government? Especially when said government have single handedly trashed the economy through it's own ideology.

All these problems lie at the door of the woman you voted to be our PM, more your folly than Starmer being in the wrong is it not. PMs question will be very interesting tomorrow if she shows up. I said a while back you may get another chance to vote but guess your still in denial. Fair play though for putting your head up with all this going on.

268How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Oct 18 2022, 22:37


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Problem is Labour should have buried them with ammo they’ve got and they failed again.

Meanwhile LBD reminds us of some of the facts about Tufton St…..

269How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 07:37


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

UK inflation has passed the 10% mark and continues to rise. 

Today’s G7 figures:

UK 10.1%
EU area 8.6%
USA. 8.5%
Italy  7.9%
Canada 7.6%
Germany 7.5%
France 6.1%
Japan 2.4%

Wondering how the Atlas network and their corporate cronies are taking the news? Not bothered I’m guessing.

270How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 09:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The police state has arrived.
Check this from the Tory’s Public Order bill that has just been passed - something we’d think could only happen in Russia, North Korea, China or a dictatorship….

271How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 10:31


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wessy wrote:
Grasping at any straw, really Whites isnt it the job of the opposition to ask questions of the government? Especially when said government have single handedly trashed the economy through it's own ideology.

All these problems lie at the door of the woman you voted to be our PM, more your folly than Starmer being in the wrong is it not. PMs question will be very interesting tomorrow if she shows up. I said a while back you may get another chance to vote but guess your still in denial. Fair play though for putting your head up with all this going on.
Not in denial on anything wessy, they’ve cocked up and there’s no argument about that but Truss just allowing globalists like Hunt, who nobody voted for and that back stabbing twat Gove, to appear to have complete control and reverse every one of her policies is pure madness.

I voted for someone to implement policies which over the long term would benefit this country as we can’t go on dishing out money on the scale we are without at least increasing the amount coming in. That was the platform she stood on and the party members voted for it. What we didn’t vote for was a weak, lily livered coward who hides instead of standing up and fighting for what she believes in.

Everybody accepts there were serious flaws in the mini budget and after the markets reaction she could well have rethought some of the measures and instead of hiding come out and own the mistake but explain the thinking behind it. Now she needs to finally make a stand as PM. Grow some, face the media, explain her beliefs and how they’re best for the country and if the mob behind her still try to force her out, call a GE and at least go out with honour. I’ve always believed a bad Tory government was still better than a Labour one but with Hunt and co in charge what’s the difference?

272How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 12:33


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

An extreme right wing government is dangerous for the people, dangerous for the quality of life, a 
threat to democracy and tellingly, dangerous for the nation’s financial stability - hence the centrist partial intervention.
Seems as though the government will stumble on with a neutered Truss as a token leader for now - even though most Tories want Blojo back - but they can’t call a leadership challenge without totally undermining their defence against calls for a GE I.e. “the country can’t have disruption to government at this critical time”
There will be differences between this arrangement and a new Labour government as this government has little option but to water down change as a sop to it’s supporters as opposed to the sweeping changes a new Labour government would bring.

273How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 14:01


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Private Eye just arrived. Smile

How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Img_3016

274How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 14:10


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:An extreme right wing government is dangerous for the people, dangerous for the quality of life, a 
threat to democracy and tellingly, dangerous for the nation’s financial stability - hence the centrist partial intervention.
Seems as though the government will stumble on with a neutered Truss as a token leader for now - even though most Tories want Blojo back - but they can’t call a leadership challenge without totally undermining their defence against calls for a GE I.e. “the country can’t have disruption to government at this critical time”
There will be differences between this arrangement and a new Labour government as this government has little option but to water down change as a sop to it’s supporters as opposed to the sweeping changes a new Labour government would bring.
I do wish you’d give up with this silly nonsense about an extreme right wing government Lusty. The Tory’s have moved so far to the left that there’s no distinguishable difference between them and Labour. If you want good services and benefit payments you have to employ the measures to provide them. People have become so used to the state bailing them out all the time that making that change will be difficult. I’m not sure the country’s ready for the reality yet and it may take a dose of Labour largess to realise it but sooner or later we have to wean people off cheap money and over high expectations. If you want to keep paying for what’s going on today then more fool you.

275How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 15:08


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Have we now heard the last word on The Triple Lock from LIZ today?

Hunt seemed to imply it was still up for debate over the weekend as did Cleverly this morning.

Still no definite comment on benefit uprating in April.

276How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 15:35


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Cajunboy wrote:Have we now heard the last word on The Triple Lock from LIZ today?

Hunt seemed to imply it was still up for debate over the weekend as did Cleverly this morning.

Still no definite comment on benefit uprating in April.
I think todays statements from both Truss and Hunt together at PMQs pretty much confirms it. There seemed no question about it and I think they’ve both realised that to depart from that would in itself destroy any chance of the Tory’s regaining a semblance of credibility. Maybe Liz has actually won one for a change and it could even save her position yet.

277How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 15:59


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I hope not.

She has to go, but a period of stability is needed now .

278How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 16:07


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Excellent move by Starmer/Labour: Will Tories do the right thing or prioritise self-preservation?
 Disaffected Tory MPs' big chance to kill two birds with one stone....Do they have the guts?
Has Truss scored another own goal?

279How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 16:41


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

BRAVERMAN resigns.

'I have concerns about the direction of this government'

Suella Braverman's resignation letter continues:

Quote Message: It is obvious to everyone that we are going through a tumultuous time. I have concerns about the direction of this government. 
It is obvious to everyone that we are going through a tumultuous time. I have concerns about the direction of this government.

"Not only have we broken key pledges that were promised to our voters, but I have had serious concerns about this government's commitment to honoring manifesto commitments, such as reducing overall migration numbers and stopping illegal migration, particularly the dangerous small boats crossings.
"It has been a great honour to serve at the Home Office, in even the brief time that I have been here, it has been very clear that there is much to do, in terms of delivering on the priorities of the British people. 
"They deserve policing they can respect, an immigration policy they want and voted for in such unambiguous numbers at the last election, and laws which serve the public good, and not the interests of selfish protestors.
"I am very grateful to all of my officials, special advisers and ministerial team for all of their help during my time as Home Secretary. 
"I especially would like to pay tribute to the heroic policemen and women and all those who work at Border Force and in our security services. To oversee Operation Bridges - the largest policing operation in a generation - was a great honour and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve.   
BBC NEWS19/10/22

280How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 14 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Oct 19 2022, 17:14


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Didn't see that one coming.

I wonder what she might be preparing for?

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