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How is the Tory Government Doing?

Natasha Whittam
Soul Kitchen
Ten Bobsworth
Bolton Nuts
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341How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 21 2022, 18:10


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Whitesince63 wrote:
You're completely wrong lusty, yet again I'm afraid. Its exactly because I do care for the country that I want the Torys to win the next election because letting Labour in would be a complete disaster. It's also why I would welcome the return of Boris, not because I like him or have forgotten what he's done, although I would argue on much of that with you but solely because for me he's the only one who has any chance of winnng again. Whatever you and your leftie mates on here protest, Boris is still the most popular politician in this country and the one who despite everything terrifies Captain Hindsight most.  cheers
Good grief do you ever read your posts, "Letting Labour in would be a complete disaster" What the F--- is this we are living through, a stroll in the park. Your deluded.

Reality check this goverment have single handidly trashed our reputation, our finances, our NHS, Schools, Ambulance service , Police Force, Dentists, the care system, Public Transport and on it goes.

So after this shitstorm to calm things down the solution is to throw a petrol bomb into the mix. Bring in the clowns a man who is central to everything thats wrong with the country. You cannot in all seriousness believe this is best for the country.

342How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 21 2022, 18:17


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Nobody in their right mind could criticise the Labour party. The Conservatives that are in power have singlehandedly fucked everything up and the squabbling between them has become embarrasing to the nation.

It is now time for a general election. The Cons have had far too long in power!

343How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 21 2022, 19:04


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

karlypants wrote:Nobody in their right mind could criticise the Labour party. The Conservatives that are in power have singlehandedly fucked everything up and the squabbling between them has become embarrasing to the nation.

It is now time for a general election. The Cons have had far too long in power!
You've hit the nail on the head, Tory supporter having the cheek to criticise Labour is in their right mind! They persist in trying to defend the indefensible. The evidence is overwhelming.

Rewatch the video Hip P posted earlier called The Life and Lies of Boris Johnson.

The evidence is overwhelming. Question Time last night showed that even Boris' sister thinks he is not worthy to be prime minister.

Starmer has an excellent, intelligent, articulate, united team around him all supporting the costed, sensible policies agreed upon for the good of the country.

The Tories have a team of sycophants all motivated solely by the fear of  losing their job. No party that has Rees-Mogg, Dorries, Shapps etc in it can possibly be serious or even care about the truth or principles that set an example to the electorate. Don't fall for their lies or deflections.

344How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Oct 21 2022, 19:55


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Latest YouGov poll: Cons 19%    Lab 56%

345How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 01:03

Hip Priest

Hip Priest
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Whitesince63 wrote:
At last Oko, something we can agree on and what I’ve been maintaining for ages. This whole Parliament, all parties is a disgrace, the worst in my lifetime. Hardly any of these people have ever lived a “normal” life or experienced what the ordinary man or woman of the past did. Too young, too inexperienced and too lacking in morals or common sense. How many of them have had a real job. Most have come straight from either university, charities, internship or similar.

Nobody should be allowed anywhere near Parliament before they’re 40 and have held a properly recognised job, just as they used to. I mean look at the Labour Party today and compare their MPs to those of previous years who knew how real people lived. Now the likes of Sunak and Starmer like to try and kid you that they really came from modest backgrounds and really understand peoples lives and difficulties. Things need to change but I doubt they will sadly. Unfortunately becoming an MP is now seen as a career choice rather than a vocation and until that changes, nothing else will I’m afraid.

I'm sorry White, I don't get it. You complain about politicians lacking morals yet dream of a return of the corrupt, lying, criminal Johnson.

346How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 10:05


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Hip Priest wrote:

I'm sorry White, I don't get it. You complain about politicians lacking morals yet dream of a return of the corrupt, lying, criminal Johnson.
You’re not reading what I’m writing HP. The only one who has a hope of ensuring Labour don’t get in next time is sadly Boris. I don’t for one minute dispute that the current situation is appalling and the Tory’s have presided over it but in my opinion it’s entirely because they’ve turned into a pseudo Labour Party. Truss was at least attempting to invoke true Conservative policies and values but between the media and Remain, Globalist forces in her own party was forced out before she could. In saying that I don’t dispute that she gave them all the ammunition they needed with the rushed and badly thought out budget.

All that said, be careful what you wish for because whilst it may be bad now it can get a lot, lot worse if Labour ever get in. They don’t have plans and despite what they claim, they haven’t costed their plans. They’ll give in to the unions, the woke mobs and the net zero maniacs. No Labour government in history hasn’t ever left the countries finances in a worse position than when they inherited them and certainly this one wouldn’t. I’ve said before, even a bad Tory government is better than any Labour one and I mean it. Whilst I’d love the young who haven’t experienced a Labour government to have one inflicted on them, I truly fear what this one could do and the damage they’d cause.

347How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 10:31



wanderlust wrote:Shame on the Tories!

They've fiddled the rules to cut a deal for Truss - presumably as a sweetener to get her out.

Despite only serving as PM for 45 days she will be paid £115,000 of taxpayers' money every year for the rest of her life.

Fake news from Wanderlust yet again - no doubts what so ever that he read it on social madia and believed it to be gospel, as he always, always does...

What perks do former prime ministers get?

Despite spending only 45 days in the job before resigning, Liz Truss is set to be offered the same package all ex-prime ministers have received - so what's included?

Public allowance

All former prime ministers are able to claim the Public Duty Costs Allowance (PDCA), currently set at a maximum of £115,000 per year.

It's designed to fund ongoing public duties like office costs, salaries for staff, or travel to events where they are appearing in their capacity as an ex-prime minister.

There is also a severance payment, which amounts to a one-off payment of 25% of the annual salary for the post that ministers have left - for prime ministers it's about £19,000.

348How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 13:08


Mario Jardel
Mario Jardel

Whitesince63 wrote:
You’re not reading what I’m writing HP. The only one who has a hope of ensuring Labour don’t get in next time is sadly Boris. I don’t for one minute dispute that the current situation is appalling and the Tory’s have presided over it but in my opinion it’s entirely because they’ve turned into a pseudo Labour Party. Truss was at least attempting to invoke true Conservative policies and values but between the media and Remain, Globalist forces in her own party was forced out before she could. In saying that I don’t dispute that she gave them all the ammunition they needed with the rushed and badly thought out budget.

All that said, be careful what you wish for because whilst it may be bad now it can get a lot, lot worse if Labour ever get in. They don’t have plans and despite what they claim, they haven’t costed their plans. They’ll give in to the unions, the woke mobs and the net zero maniacs. No Labour government in history hasn’t ever left the countries finances in a worse position than when they inherited them and certainly this one wouldn’t. I’ve said before, even a bad Tory government is better than any Labour one and I mean it. Whilst I’d love the young who haven’t experienced a Labour government to have one inflicted on them, I truly fear what this one could do and the damage they’d cause.

I don't think I've seen anything as deluded as this.

349How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 14:12


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I DON'T want Boris, but I think Sunak  and Hunt would give us stability at this time and this should let the financial markets settle down.

Yes, let's have a Geneeral Election early next year and good luck to Starmer and his team.

The other night I watched Question Time and enjoyed Jess Philips performance, she's always likeable and entertaining, sadly though at the end of the programme when she was asked about Labour's plans she suddenly stopped smiling and started to flounder. 

Just like the Tories she was clueless about where the funds were coming from to pay for their unknown plans.

Nothing ever changes.

350How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 14:19


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I fear and dread the return of Boris.

One of my birthday presents from my wife was:-

Boris Johnson

The Rise and Fall of a Troublemaker at Number 10

By Andrew Gimson

How apt.

351How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 14:24


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Anyone watched THIS ENGLAND ?


352How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 14:53


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Cajunboy wrote:I DON'T want Boris, but I think Sunak  and Hunt would give us stability at this time and this should let the financial markets settle down.

Yes, let's have a Geneeral Election early next year and good luck to Starmer and his team.

The other night I watched Question Time and enjoyed Jess Philips performance, she's always likeable and entertaining, sadly though at the end of the programme when she was asked about Labour's plans she suddenly stopped smiling and started to flounder. 

Just like the Tories she was clueless about where the funds were coming from to pay for their unknown plans.

Nothing ever changes.
To be fair Cajun it's impossile for any opposition to say with any conviction what the financial position is, Blue or red they are the opposition. The Tories did the same before they got back in power.

It's up to the ruling party to put things forward and get us out of this mess, it's the job of the opposition to keep them in check if possible. 

Labour will have to present policy if and when they are in power. This lot are out of ideas so lets boot them out.

353How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 16:24


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Fair comment.

354How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 17:34


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Feby wrote:

I don't think I've seen anything as deluded as this.
Please enlighten me. Everything I’ve written is a fact. Tell me a Labour government that left not crashing the economy. Who sold off our gold reserves at an all time low? Who presided over the winter of discontent, the 3 day week and left rubbish piled high in the streets. Despite 3 terms in office they never commissioned a single nuclear energy plant and their inept handling of the banking system led to the credit crunch in 2008/9. Please don’t even try to tell me that things would be different this time because Labour have no plans, no experience and no ideas other than more woke and an even bigger rush to net zero and silly wind and solar farms. You think the Tory’s are bad? Wait until you see what this lot would do, or hopefully not. I think it’s you who’s deluded mate.

Last edited by Whitesince63 on Sat Oct 22 2022, 17:34; edited 1 time in total

355How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 17:34


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

356How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 17:45


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

357How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 18:02

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:Please enlighten me. Everything I’ve written is a fact. Tell me a Labour government that left not crashing the economy.

You come across as a right old lunatic, and I say that in the nicest possible way.

I've said before, "supporting" a political party is absolutely bonkers. Right now you're supporting a party that has seriously damaged the country, people will literally be on the streets because of Tory incompetence. And you'll clearly be falling over yourself in the rush to vote them in again when the time comes. You are a fucking bellend.

Most people knew Truss would be a disaster, yet the Tory members voted for her in droves. And they get to choose the next PM? It's a fucking joke. The party members have proven themselves just as stupid as the person they voted in.

And your nonsense about Labour is laughable. No one knows how they will do, they might be a disaster, but the truth is it would be virtually impossible to do any worse than the Tories.

But what it comes down to is this: Tories are destroying lives. Whether that be putting hundreds on monthly mortgage payments, having people waiting hours for an ambulance and then dying in corridors, or people having to choose between heat or food. And you want to vote them in again? Fuck right off. Shame on you, yes shame on you.

358How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Oct 22 2022, 19:53


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Whitesince63 wrote:
Please enlighten me. Everything I’ve written is a fact. Tell me a Labour government that left not crashing the economy. Who sold off our gold reserves at an all time low? Who presided over the winter of discontent, the 3 day week and left rubbish piled high in the streets. Despite 3 terms in office they never commissioned a single nuclear energy plant and their inept handling of the banking system led to the credit crunch in 2008/9. Please don’t even try to tell me that things would be different this time because Labour have no plans, no experience and no ideas other than more woke and an even bigger rush to net zero and silly wind and solar farms. You think the Tory’s are bad? Wait until you see what this lot would do, or hopefully not. I think it’s you who’s deluded mate.
Everything is fact ? wasn't the 3 day week under Ted Heath? Inept handling led to the credit crunch? is that a fact or did Global conditions play any part? You use global problems when it suits and ignore when it suits.

 Of course you list things that are true but leave out your own tales of woe. Poll Tax, Using the troops against british citezens, not to mention the entire shitstorm of the Johnson government. and the elephant in the room Brexit.

Labour under Blair had almost continuos growth over a 10 year period, something you see as a golden chalis, Its also a falacy that the economy is safer in your hands take a look at the current balance sheet, Labour according t0 a fact check article have borrowed less and repaid more national debt. We see the facts we want to see.  Then again when the future of the planet is at stake and you describe net zero, wind and solar as silly i think that just confirms that you are in the deluded camp.

359How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Oct 23 2022, 17:08


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Beware:-- Out of the limp leaves of a soggy lettuce crawls a monstrous 16 stone slug, sliming its way back into our consciousness, unless former experiences with this ghastly nightmare have finally penetrated the brains and consciences of those who are in a position to crush it underfoot.

360How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 18 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Oct 23 2022, 21:46


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

It seems the slug may have gone back under the stone, but better to wait till 2pm tomorrow. Just in case.

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